Personal Progress Booklets- The Red Headed Hostess
These are our Personal Progress booklets for all eight value experiences. These are darling and really focus on the purpose of each experience! Girls will love these, and they are so simple to put together – just print, cut, and staple!
Each Personal Progress booklet is totally customized to help the young women understand the purpose of each experience and then be able to study, write, doodle, and track her goals and progress. These booklets are not just cute – they are designed so that the purpose of the experience is clear and easy to achieve.
If there are scriptures the girls should look up and ponder, there are pages for that. If they are supposed to do a two or three week challenge, there is an explanation of the challenge and pages where they can track their progress every day. These booklets will help the girls get a ton out of these experiences, and truly personally progress!
You can get these Personal Progress Booklets by individual value, or in a combo kit with all 8 values, or in an ultimate combo kit (all 8 values and our Book of Mormon Study Squares which is perfect for their Virtue project). You can see all of these options HERE. Or click on the links below:
Ultimate Combo Kit (greatest deal!)
Choice and Accountability Booklets
Our Book of Mormon Study Squares have been available for awhile and we have received SO many comments and messages about how much the young women (and other women) love these! In this full-color book there is a designed square for each chapter in the Book of Mormon. Then as they study they can write, draw a picture, or doodle a lesson they learned, favorite scripture or phrase, make goals, etc.
We have these in physical books HERE, or many groups use our digital file and print copies for each girl and bind them with a comb binding. The digital file is included in our Ultimate Combo kit, or you can find this book on its own HERE (we have a gender neutral design too – and we have Old Testament and New Testament study squares too – you can see them HERE!).
These are great for read-a-thons too!
The book also contains page titles for every page in the Book of Mormon. The page titles summarize what is happening on each page and are so helpful!! These could also make a fantastic Faith 10-hour project.
We also have these Honor Bee booklets. It is included in the combo, and Ultimate Combo. Otherwise, it is part of the Virtue Kit.
This Honor Bee booklet helps the young women track their service hours and their experience mentoring other young women.
These Personal Progress booklets are also perfect for personal scripture study at Girl’s Camp! Give some booklets to the girls and let them have individual study time and then come together and discuss what they learned. When you have them exclusively for a week, what a great time to accomplish Personal Progress together!
These Personal Progress Booklets could also make a perfect gift for a young woman turning 12. You can give them a box of these booklets and a set of cute pens. She would love it and would help her get started right away.