Understanding the Priesthood Quiz- The Red Headed Hostess
Here is the Priesthood quiz!
There are 38 questions.
This would make a great Family Home Evening
Or a good study for your journals
Or it would be great for a Young Women or Men’s lesson
And it would go great with D&C 20, 84, and 107 if you teach seminary.
It is meant to be printed on 2 sides and then folded over into a pamphlet…
So it will look kind of wierd when you open it up.
Here is the PDF: quiz pamphlet
And here are the answers:Â quiz pamphlet answers
Also check our our Priesthood lesson helps designed for the Come Follow Me curriculum. Â Also great for Family Home Evening. Â See all of them HERE.
I have a son turning 12 next year. I wanted to do FHE lessons focusing on the Priesthood to prepare him. Thanks for sharing!
perfect for my seminary class. just finished section 84…107 is right around the corner! thank you!
Hello! I am brand new to your world here, and to the world of seminary teacher. Thank you for doing this! I have four young children and I can’t find any time to do all that you are doing. Thank you for doing it for me! I was hoping that I just missed the answer key to your priesthood questions. Is it somewhere else that i am not seeing? Thank you again.
We used this today for seminary (D&C 107). It was a great review. The youth knew so much already, which was a nice surprise!
LOVE THIS!! this will be PERFECT for my young women’s lesson next week! thanks so much for putting this together….its amazing!
This worked great in YW for lesson 12. Incorporated quotes and stories form the lesson as we answer the quiz.
Thank you!!
Thank you for this wonderful quiz, I love it and it will be such a great addition to our YW Priesthood lesson
Thank you for sharing… all you work was super helpful in pulling my lesson together.
I seem to have problems opening the quiz – does it need something special to download?
Thanks you so much! Great addition to my YW lesson.
Thanks! I look forward to using this tomorrow. I like to keep the girls in my class engaged in something rather than just sitting back and “maybe” listening.
I happened upon this while looking around your site.
My husband’s been asked to speak at a Mini Camp Helaman for the Young Men in our ward. I mentioned this quiz to him and he asked me to print it out so he could take a look at it.
I’m also going to email the link to the Young Women’s president. I remember when I was in Young Women’s that sometimes the intricate details of the priesthood were not as well known by the girls.
Thank-you for this handout. I am teaching Hebrews and this will be a great introduction. Also, I have loved your New Testament Seminary Journals and my students really used them consistently this year. I received your Conference journal for myself and am looking forward to studying.
I just came upon this from Facebook and want to thank you for it! My son actually turns 12 TODAY! I fear that I haven’t been able to teach him enough about the priesthood and its importance, and this looks like a great review! I cannot say thank you enough 🙂
Can I get more clarification on the true/false question #31? Is it next in Seniority for the Seventy?
Nevermind on above question. I misread it.
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas and the great handout on the priesthood quiz.
Interested to know why a line of authority should go back to John the Baptist. I thought all priesthood lines went back to Jesus Christ. An Aaronic Priesthood holder’s line would have Melchizedek priesthood holders in it and the line would then go back to the Saviour.
Hi Simon!
Yes – of course! I just had it that way so they could see that it traced all the way back to when it was restored in this dispensation. And yes, the line would have Melchizedek Priesthood holders – a lot of young men may have exact or very similar lines – like if their father conferred it both times. But many would have two separate lineages, depending on who gave it to them each time.
The point of that is to show them that their Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood should trace back to the proper authority restoring it. Just kind of cool for them to see.
Thanks Simon! 🙂
Just a thought the “prophet” would be the last office in the MPH
THANK YOU! I could just ditto what the comment before said. This was perfect, exactly what I wanted for a YW lesson!
You rock my world.
Thank you so much for all this wonderful information. I’m “subbing” for the next couple of weeks and this makes creating these lessons for the youth so much more meaningful. Your awesome
Thank you this was a big help for me . I appreciate you work in putting this together and then sharing it.
Thanks so much for your hard work. It is much appreciated. I am using this for the Relief Society sisters so we can see how much we know. Should be fun!
Thank you! I turned this into a Jeopardy game for the class to play.
Exactly what I was looking for. I’m so grateful! Thank you!