6 Questions and Quotes about the Restoration of the Priesthood
Following are some WONDERFUL quotes about the Restoration of the Priesthood.
Before each quote is a reflective question. You can use these and invite your family or class to share their thoughts and then share the quote.
What is the most distinguishing feature of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?
Nearly 70 years ago President David O. McKay, then serving as a counselor in the First Presidency of the Church, asked this question to a congregation gathered for general conference: “If at this moment each one [of you] were asked to state in one sentence … the most distinguishing feature of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, what would be your answer?”
“My answer,” he replied, “would be … divine authority by direct revelation.”
That divine authority is, of course, the holy priesthood. (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “Our Most Distinguishing Feature”, Ensign, May 2005)
Could the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints exist without the Priesthood?
President Gordon B. Hinckley has added his testimony when he said: “[The priesthood] is a delegation of divine authority, different from all other powers and authorities on the face of the earth. … It is the only power on the earth that reaches beyond the veil of death. … Without it there could be a church in name only, [a church] lacking authority to administer in the things of God.”
Just four weeks ago President James E. Faust said to BYU students in their devotional: “[The priesthood] activates and governs all activities of the Church. Without priesthood keys and authority, there would be no church.” (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “Our Most Distinguishing Feature”, Ensign, May 2005)
What do you imagine it would have been like to have been there when John the Baptist restored the Priesthood?
Can you imagine what a wonderful experience this restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood must have been for Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery when John the Baptist spoke to them? Here was a man who had lived upon the earth more than 1,800 years earlier. Now he was speaking in English to two young men while he held his hands upon their heads. His was a resurrected body. Theirs were mortal bodies. They felt his hands, the materiality of them, and understood the words that he spoke. This tells us that resurrected beings are tangible, that they can move and act, that they can speak and be understood. (President Gordon B. Hinckley, “Priesthood Restoration”, Ensign, October 1988)
How does receiving the Aaronic Priesthood effect a young man?
Personal Story of Elder James E. Talmage:
“As soon as I had been ordained, a feeling came to me such as I have never been able to fully describe. It seemed scarcely possible, that I, a little boy, could be so honored of God as to be called to the priesthood. … I felt strong in the thought that I belonged to the Lord, and that he would assist me in whatever was required of me.
“The effect of my ordination … entered into all the affairs of my boyish life. … When at play on the school grounds, and perhaps tempted to take unfair advantage in the game, when in the midst of a dispute with a playmate, I would remember, and the thought would be as effective as though spoken aloud—‘I am a deacon; and it is not right that a deacon should act in this way.’ On examination days, when it seemed easy for me to copy some other boy’s work … , I would say in my mind, ‘It would be more wicked for me to do that than it is for them, because I am a deacon’” (Incidents from the Lives of Our Church Leaders [deacons instruction manual, 1914], 135–36).
Every person who holds the Priesthood has a Priesthood Lineage. Who should they be able to trace their Priesthood back to?
“…We in the restored Church of Jesus Christ can trace the priesthood line of authority exercised by the newest deacon in the ward, the bishop who presides over him, and the prophet who presides over all of us. That line goes back in an unbroken chain to angelic ministers who came from the Son of God Himself, bearing this incomparable gift from heaven.” (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “Our Most Distinguishing Feature”, Ensign, May 2005)
What is significant about D&C 1:20?
In a revelation given in 1831, which has become Section 1 of the Doctrine and Covenants and is known as the preface to that book of revelation, the Lord set forth one of the great purposes for the restoration of the gospel in this the dispensation of the fulness of times. He said that, among other reasons, the gospel was restored so that “every man might speak in the name of God the Lord, even the Savior of the world.” (D&C 1:20.)
It does not say that every man shall speak in the name of God the Lord. The meaning is that every man may speak, provided he is worthy and receives the priesthood. (President Gordon B. Hinckley, “Priesthood Restoration”, Ensign, October 1988)
You’re wonderful! Will be using this to intro my lesson tomorrow!!!