2014 Mutual Journals Now Available- The Red Headed Hostess

Awesome 2014 mutual journals. These really help the youth participate and get the most out of the lessons!

They are ready!  The 2014 mutual/Come Follow Me Journals!  You can order them HERE.

Here are a few things you may want to know:

1-  If you are a leader who wants to purchase these for a mutual or a sunday school class, just email us at support@theredheadedhostess.com, tell us your ward, stake and number of journals you would like – and we will give you a discount code for $4.45 off per journal – making then $6.50 each.

2-  We are almost done with the Adult Come Follow Me Study Guide.  These are not the same as the mutual journals above – these are to help you study the Come Follow Me lessons – and they are very different than last year’s.  This year we are taking EACH INDIVIDUAL LESSON and making study pages for them.  So this will be a great study tool for teachers, parents and youth.  We expect these to be available by the end of November.

3-  These mutual journals will be available in book form only (not the downloads).  These are sized to fit in a 5 x 8 book that could be neatly stacked with their scriptures.  However, the adult study guide will be available in both books and downloads.

OK… Here are the journals (we have made some improvements to last year’s)

2014 Come Follow Me youth journals

Here is the front and the back of the two journals.  They are identical inside except for some gender-specific fonts that are used in titles and things of that nature.


Here is a picture of the Table of Contents so you can get an idea of what is in the book.  The first part focuses on the mutual theme and the bulk of the book is note pages for Sunday lessons.

If you are not already aware, you can see that the lesson titles are the same as 2013 because the Come Follow Me Curriculum is being repeated in 2014.  I kept waiting for the new curriculum to come out, so I reached out to some people who are in charge of all of this and received confirmation that the curriculum is being repeated.  Which, by the way, I think is brilliant!  We are so used to having rotating lessons – but THESE lessons are so packed full of possibilities that it is awesome that you get to readdress them.  PLUS it gives such emphasis to the youth on the importance of these topics.

If you look through the lessons, you will see that many of them have been updated with links to talks from the October 2013 General Conference – January’s lessons alone have several links to October’s conference.  So these are incredibly relevant to what we are being taught right now.

Mutual journals for 2014 with all of the monthly doctrines

These journals have pages for each monthly doctrine.  Some of the pages have built in visuals to be used as needed.   The bulk of the pages are labeled by month and doctrine, but leave a place at the top where the youth can write in the specific lesson question.

2014 Mutual journal

At the front of the journal is a section of pages that helps the youth understand, memorize and apply the 2014 theme, “Come Unto Christ”.

There is a set of pages where they can brainstorm and then talk to other people as they search for specific ideas of things they can do to “Come Unto Christ”.

And then…

2014 youth journals with the monthly doctrines from the Come Follow Me Curriculum

At the beginning of each month, there is a page where they can choose one of the goals and work on it that month.  So they can decide on a goal personally or as a group, and then there is a page where they can report on their progress.

There is also a space where they can write down class activities and/or birthdays.

mutual journals for 2014

Here you can see that these are sized to be small and easily stacked with their scriptures.

OK – There they are.

You can find them HERE.


  1. We have used these for the past two years and we have really seen how much a difference it makes to give the youth a journal that they can write in. Plus the theme was so much more important throughout the year and easily referenced. The girls always knew what the theme was – it was so great!

    Thank you!

  2. I agree. These have been priceless for us. We always catch the girls flipping through the previous months to see what they wrote. We just love these!

  3. We used to have a lot of problems with girls chatting or playing on their phones and it was a main topic at our presidency meetings – but we found with these journals that the girls are much more engaged which practically eliminated our issues. We will definitely be getting these again!

  4. We are going to give these to our girls again with a cute pen for Christmas. They fit perfect in some scripture bags we made last year.

    thank you Shannon!

  5. One thing we loved about these is that when one of the girls missed a lesson, we would find them copying another girl’s journal so that they could still have the information in their journals.

    We had these laid out during YWIE – the parents were flipping through them and commenting on how awesome they were. Huge success!

  6. I would like to buy these for our young women for Christmas, we have ten, and think I got an e-mail about a discount for that but cannot find it – HELP.

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