Joseph Smith Trivia Game- The Red Headed Hostess
Joseph Smith Trivia Game
This trivia game is a great way for your family to learn about Joseph Smith, the First Vision and Moroni’s visit. It is also a fun way to learn about Joseph Smith History, in the back of the scriptures. Everyone will need their own set of scriptures for this activity.
At the end of the PDF is a suggested way to play the trivia game called Blockbuster. It is uber fun.
If you have little children, you can involve them by grouping into teams with older children or parents, then make some signs that say “a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, and “true” and “false. Connect some popsicle sticks on the bottom of the signs, and let the children hold up the team’s answer.
Check out website here.
I can tell you must be a fabulous seminary teacher…how I would love to be a fly on the wall in your class. Thank you for sharing your fun ideas and games with us. I hope you don’t mind, but I posted a link to your website on the seminary group page at
I know other seminary teachers will be as excited as I am, when they see all of the wonderful resources you have here.
Thank you for sharing. I will use the quiz portion as a take home test in Deacons Quorum to encourage personal study and I will use the game for Family Home Evening to reinforce what my own kids have learned in Sunday classes this month. Thanks again.
what is the best number of people to play this game with?