
What Does it Mean to Take Upon Myself the Name of Jesus Christ? Young Women Lesson Ideas
What Does it Mean to Take Upon Myself the Name of Jesus Christ? July Young Women

Book of Mormon Study and Teaching Helps

2017 LDS Youth Theme: Ask of God in Faith
For 2017 the new LDS mutual theme is James 1:5-6: “If any of you lack wisdom,

How can I be more Christlike in my service to others?
How Can I be more Christlike in my service to others? This is a really

How can I learn to be more patient?
How can I learn to be more patient? This lesson REALLY focuses on the necessity of

How Can I Develop Christlike Love? Article and Teaching Package
How Can I develop Christlike love? There are a handful of doctrines that have changed everything

October: Becoming More Christlike
Here are all 5 lessons (for young men and young women) for October! October’s theme is

Come Follow Me: Christlike Attributes

How can I be in the world but not of the world?
How can I be in the world but not of the world? You can find this

How Do the Things I Say Affect Me and Those Around Me?
How do the things I say affect me and those around me? You can find this

How Can I Resist Pornography?
In 2018, the Come Follow Me Curriculum lesson titled “How do I guard my virtue?” was

Why are we commanded to keep the Sabbath Day Holy? By John Hilton III
John Hilton III has earned a reputation for being an amazing teacher, speaker and author! If