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Valentine Heart Garland
Just think of all the places you could string this garland up – windows, doorways,

Valentine’s Day Heart Sticks- The Red Headed Hostess
These little guys can go so many places. Here I have it in my planter on

Valentine Heart Wreath- The Red Headed Hostess
I saw this wreath made on “Studio 5”. The idea comes from this blog – she

The Birch Moss Wreath- The Red Headed Hostess
Originally I wanted to make a moss wreath for my Living Room. But I couldn’t find

Book of Mormon Titles and Marking: The Beginning of 1st Nephi
1st Nephi- Marking My Scriptures Year after year after year my students express frustration in

A Man and Some Flowers- The Red Headed Hostess

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bliss. A Love Story.
*** This post is actually 2 years old. It is one of the first things I

Book of Mormon Study Map – Alma 1-27
* I wanted to re-post this because this is where many of you are in Sunday

Book of Mormon Titles: 2nd Nephi- The Red Headed Hostess
I have already posted some ideas for 1 Nephi. Now here are some things for 2

Yummy Candy Pretzels- The Red Headed Hostess
I made these for a family party — and they were a big hit. SO

Fun Family Game #1- The Red Headed Hostess
This family game comes with a warning. You will laugh. Hard. There are a couple moments

Book of Mormon Title: Jacob – Mosiah
Here is part 3 of the titles for the Book of Mormon. This covers Jacob through

Easter Sticks Part 1- The Red Headed Hostess
My local grocery store has a brilliant marketing plan. They have wisely placed a cart of

The Easter Holiday Sticks Part 2- The Red Headed Hostess
This is part 2 to this project. Part 1 is found here. We’ve already learned how to

Easter Garland- The Red Headed Hostess
For some reason I’ve been in garland– mode lately. So it would only stand to reason

Book of Mormon Titles: Book of Alma- The Red Headed Hostess
Here are the titles for the Book of Alma! Book of Mormon – Book of Alma

Book of Mormon Paper Dolls- The Red Headed Hostess
There are so many ways to teach your children the scriptures. And here is one more.

The dessert of desserts: Tres Leches- The Red Headed Hostess
All desserts are not created equal. And this dessert will give all others a major complex.

Fun Family Game #2: The Sentence Game
Looking for a fun new family game? This is a great way to bond with your

Book of Mormon Map: Alma 28-35.
Here is another map for Book of Mormon study purposes. Book of Mormon Map Alma 28-35

Why I Believe in Throw Pillows- The Red Headed Hostess
I didn’t marry the first guy that I liked. Or the second. Or the 100th. I

Getting To Know Your Young Women- The Red Headed Hostess
Knowing Your Young Women If you are currently working in the Young Women’s Program in your

A Throw Pillow with a Message- The Red Headed Hostess
I love a throw pillow with words on it. But I don’t like it if the

A Man’s Sandwich: Roast Dippers-The Red Headed Hostess
This is a man’s dream sandwich. My husband loves it! He is in roast sandwich bliss