The Latest and Greatest Downloads- The Red Headed Hostess
Once a week I plan on doing a post
letting you know what are the latest and greatest downloads in our store, or some things that I think are particularly relevant for you right now- so you can look through this and see if any of them will fit for your family’s needs.
And if any of you had issues downloading last week
(like you had to go through multiple steps) THAT HAS BEEN FIXED! And it should be fixed in your account too, meaning you don’t have to re-purchase them. Also, we will be always attaching a PDF and JPEG files for each product (except the Temple pictures – they will just be JPEGS). That way you can choose which one will best fit your printing needs. Last week was a little bit of a learning curve for us – but I think we addressed all of the issues you emailed us about. Thank You! We really want this to be an easy, helpful resource for you.
Also, let me tell you what is coming and what our plans are.
Our main goal is to provide parents with valuable resources to help you teach your children at their various age levels. We have some amazing things in the works.
In general, I am following the lesson manuals because I believe that they are a really great starting points for parents to use when planning what specific things they should teach their children.
So we will be trying to stay ahead of the lessons in church so that parents can use some of these downloads during Family Home Evening to help prepare their child for their upcoming lesson. Or, overtime, as we continue to add products, you will have your pickings and be able to choose whatever you feel your family needs. So for younger children, they will be organized under “Primary” and then in subcategories of “nursery-age”, “sunbeam-age”, “CTR-age” and “Valiant-age.” So if you want to teach your children about the Sabbath Day, there may be age-appropriate activities under each age group.
OK… here are some of the latest and greatest on our store!
Look how cute these frames are.
Each frame says “Heavenly Father and Jesus Love Me!” and you can tape or glue a picture of your child inside.
This would be good for any child, but if you have a Sunbeam – this would be awesome to have waiting for them when they get home on Sunday (since that is what their lesson is on).
You could also have your Sunbeam put pictures of their siblings in each one and have them surprise them with their own framed picture.
These are SEMINARY VALENTINES… but you could also use them for your family or other classes.
I did something like this when I taught Seminary, and it was a HUGE hit.
Just have your students write something they admire about each person in their class (so you will want to hand out a class list) and then you (or your class presidency) will gather them and sort them so you have piles for each person. Hand them out on Valentine’s and see how people’s eyes light up when they are bombarded with loving words.
This is a similar page of Young Women Value Valentines!
There are 8 on a page, one for each YW value.
Use these for your daughter or for a mutual activity! Here are some ideas for you.
- Write your daughter little notes on each value about how she exemplifies that value. Put a quote on each one about that value. Tell her why you think that value is so important.
- Have the girls in your Young Women’s group write to each other, or members in the ward. Have them choose someone who exemplifies that value and have them write why they chose them.
Speaking of Valentine’s… I hope you didn’t miss the tutorial of how to make your own customized Temple Canvas Print (many of you saw that I was having issues with the pictures showing… I was trying something new… apparently it didn’t work and has been fixed).
You can get this print here, and you can get the tutorial of how to make this canvas print with your own text on it here.
You can also get that same Temple print that says “Ye are the Temple of God”… so lovely.
We also have a lot of awesome stickers in the works. There are some for each class name up on the store for you right now, like this one for the CTR classes.
All you have to do is buy some sticker paper or print them onto full page label sheets (found in the office supply section), and you can print them out all year long.
We also have stickers with the titles of each lesson and Sharing Time in the works.
So you can print them off and stick them on each child and then their parents will know what they learned about and can ask them questions and reinforce what they learned.
Above you see the February Package for Sharing Time.
There are also packages on their way for individual class lessons – so you can do the same thing if you teach Valiants, etc. (the Valiant lessons will likely be available later tonight).
Also, I wanted to show you some things that I just uploaded to Costco and had printed on Photo paper. I LOVED how it turned out.
Above you see the Godhead Package. That picture really doesn’t do it justice on how nice the photo paper makes it.
Here is the Young Women banner I also sent to Costco. It was so easy and so cute!
This is another Young Women banner we have. I don’t have it put together here, (you just fold them over in the middle and string them up), but I wanted to show you the little happy accident. When you order from Costco, the 4×6 box is automatically checked on each print you are sending in and you have to uncheck it if you don’t want it. Well, I didn’t uncheck this one and so I got each print in a smaller format. I thought those small ones would also make darling banners AND perfect bookmarks.
It looks like you have been busy and your products are very cute. If I understand right your website is no longer going to feature adult scripture marking etc. I will miss that part of your blog since we have no children. Good luck to you on this adventure.
Wow! I love these items. You have inspired me in so many ways. Thanks, Shannon!