SAVE BIG by purchasing this kit in our August 2017 Sharing Time Combo Pack!
This LDS Sharing Time teaching package is designed specifically for August – Week 3 or 4. We have provided wonderful teaching tools and suggestions to help your LDS Primary understand how, “I Should Do Things on the Sabbath that will Help Me Stay Close to Heavenly Father.”
This teaching package is 30 pages and includes the following:
Teaching Ideas and Suggestions
- Tips for Planning a Successful Sharing Time
- Sharing Time Suggestions
- Build a Giant Church Activity – This fun activity is designed to involve the Primary children in the lesson. Have them help build a giant church by sharing ways they can keep the Sabbath day holy!
- Scripture Story Cutouts: The Israelites Gather Manna – These create illustrations are designed to go along with the scripture story found in Exodus 16:11-33. You can use these story cutouts as you tell the Primary children about the story of the Israelites gathering manna in the wilderness (as suggested in the lesson manual).
- Sabbath Day Spinner Game – The children will love playing this fun spinner game! The children will spin the Fidget Spinner (actual Fidget Spinner NOT included in pack) on the Sabbath Day Spinner printable game board. This game is designed for the children to have fun while they continue to learn about the principles of the Sabbath day!
Meaningful Teaching Display
- Sharing Time Lesson Title Poster: “I Should Do Things on the Sabbath that will Help Me Stay Close to Heavenly Father” (2 sizes included)
- Custom Illustrations – Bright and eye-catching visuals to help you teach the lesson. These are helpful for both family home evening and Primary!
Teaching Take-Home Ideas
- Teaching Take-Home Ideas Instructions and Ideas
- Coloring Page – I Should Do Things on the Sabbath that will Help Me Stay Close to Heavenly Father
- Note to Parents: For Primary leaders teaching the Sharing Time lesson, “I Should Do Things on the Sabbath that will Help Me Stay Close to Heavenly Father”, this note can be given to each child to take home and give to their parents. This note contains suggested questions the parent could ask and discuss as they continue the child’s learning in the home.
- To print as many times as you would like for your personal, family or classroom use (please show this to any printer you may take this to in order to prove that you are not infringing on the copyright by printing the book)
- To print and give the book (on paper) to others
- To digitally send to other members of your Primary Presidency.
Not Allowed:
- This file cannot be given to anyone else. You may give a printed copy but not the actual digital file. In order to own a digital file it must be purchased.
- This file is never to be emailed to anyone else for the purpose of giving it to them or sharing it with them. In order to own a file it must be purchased. This file cannot be given to anyone else. (Sharing the file with your Primary presidency members IS ALLOWED.)
- Do not post this file, or images from this file on a blog, website or anything like it for the purpose of giving it away or selling it. If you wish to share about this product then you may use our display pictures.
- Do not change this file in any way.
- Do not use all or part of this file or book for commercial use in any way.
- Anything that is not meant for the intended use of this book which is for personal, family or classroom use. We are offering this as a digital file for the convenience of our customers, any abuse of that is not allowed.
*Note: Copyright enforced and protected by The Red Headed Hostess LLC.