How can I be in the world but not of the world?
How can I be in the world but not of the world?
You can find this lesson package HERE.
It is also available in our September combo package available HERE.
I think this is a fantastic lesson since so many youth are just starting school, and looking through the lesson outline, I also think it would make a fantastic Family Home Evening. In fact, most of the lessons would make amazing Family Home Evenings and are a great starting point for parents.
I wanted to throw out a few situations that are common to youth today in case you want to talk through specific circumstances and apply this lesson to their lives.
So here are some situations – the lesson outline has great suggestions on how to discuss what it means to “live in the world but not of the world”, and it also suggests a fantastic scripture activity. So I would recommend discussing some of these situations after doing all of that. I would also write on the board what they learned from the scriptures so as you discuss these situations they can look up at the board and apply the scriptures to the situations.
Note: these situations are coming from my experience working with the youth, not from my memory of being one since it was so long ago – so each of these below have a story or two to go with them. Some I will mention and others I will not.
Situation #1
It is approaching school Homecoming and all of your friends are getting asked to the dance. Most of you are still 15 but it doesn’t seem to be a big deal since it is a supervised school activity.
- Remember, this is their first time being 15 and now that they are in High School they want to participate in High School things.
- Part of the lesson package includes putting scripture teachings up on the board. As you discuss various situations, have them look to the board and pick out doctrines and principles found in some of the scriptures to respond to the situations. This is a great way to help them apply the scriptures to their daily lives and situations.
Situation #2
You didn’t have a chance to get your homework done and it is due in your next class. Your friend offers to let you copy their assignment.
- I know this happened all of the time because I saw kids copying assignments for another class during seminary. I would walk by, pat them on the back, and say something like “you will be happier if you don’t do that.” I imagine that this is a common practice in most high schools and something that every youth faces often. So conversations on how to work through these moments can really bless their lives.
Situation #3
Same as the above but the tables are turned and your friend asks you if they can copy your assignment.
- This may sound the same as situation #2 but there are some differences that can make it harder to decline. In the first situation it is your problem and you can face the music with your teacher for not getting the homework completed. In this one, someone else is asking you for help, and if it is a friend, then it makes it hard to say “no”. It could be a good conversation to have with the youth about how they can help them without letting them copy your assignment.
- Refer to the scripture sayings on the board again and ask them which ones could give them the power to do the right thing here.
Situation #4
There is a student at your school who is different than everyone else and is an easy target for others to make fun of, and you see it happen often.
- When you give this situation most kids will have people pop into their head automatically. Every seminary I worked at had kids like this come over to seminary to eat their lunch in order to be in a safe place. I remember one young lady in particular; she was autistic, although the students didn’t know this. She wore the same thing every day and came from a hard situation at home. There were some amazing young women who took this young lady, bought her a dress and got her all dolled up and took her to her first school dance ever (as a senior). And it didn’t end there, they took her to other events and found her at school to make sure she had friends to be with.
Situation #5
The current fashion trend is pretty immodest and most girls at school are dressing that way.
Situation #6
Your phone is really important to you and, even though it is hard to admit, all of the social options are interfering with how much you are getting out school, family, church activities and other important relationships.
Situation #7
The kids at school pick on a specific teacher.
Situation #8
You go to your friend’s house after a school activity and alcohol is offered to everyone. Many of your friends decide to try it.
Situation #9
You hear your friend disrespecting their parents on the phone because they are unhappy with a rule they have.
Situation #10
Disrespectful language and profanity is common at your school – both in verbal language as well as online and in text messages.
- You may also want to discuss the common practice of abbreviating swear words. Even though they may be abbreviating a more acceptable phrase – what is the other person reading, or what does it represent?
Situation #11
Your friends like to skip out on school or seminary. They often invite you to come with them.
The teaching package for this lesson really helps you dive into scripture and standards to help teach this important topic.
This package really helps those you are teaching dive into the doctrines and principle taught in this lesson!
There are fun illustrated scriptures and note pages that make for a really fun scripture activity!
There is also a great activity (and note page) that incorporates the standards in For the Strength of Youth.
You can find this package (and see more pictures and a detailed description) HERE.
I was just called to teach the 16 & 17-year olds and the new curriculum is a little bit challenging for me without manuals, etc. I’m an artist and a VERY visual person, and this is a fantastic way for someone like me to “see” how to teach this! Thank you! 🙂
HEY!! I am in need of the package! It’s beautiful! But, I need it by Saturday because we are teaching it on Sunday. Can you ship that fast?
Hi Charlotte! Those are actually downloads so they will be added automatically to your account and you will be able to print it immediately and you will be able to print as many as you need.
Let me know if you have any questions. 🙂
Hi! I was really wanting to download this awesome package but it keeps saying that it is not found. Can you provide any assistance with this? I think you have some great ideas and would like to share them with my girls!! Thank you!
Hey Heather! This will be back up by the end of today. We redid it and it is even better than before!
Thank you for your patience!
Shannon 🙂