Here is a print-your-own flip book to help you study 72 different names and titles of Christ!
You will get TWO different books. One with feminine designs, and one with masculine or gender neutral designs!
This is the Combination Package with both the girl and boy versions of the book.
Use these for personal or family study, or for a classroom experience.
This is good for any Christian faith! On each page is a place to record scriptures where that particular name is found and we have started you off with one scripture for each name from the Bible.
Each page also has a place to record the definition and a place to write your thoughts and impressions on what that names teaches you about Christ and your relationship with Him.
We have designed every page differently! Many of the pages have designs that represent the names and they are all fun and relevant. Please see images for examples.
This entire book prints onto 20 sheets of paper or card stock and is a total of 80 pages (4 flip book pages print onto one 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper – please see images for examples).
Print this off for yourself, or for each member of your family or class. Study one a day or several at one time.
Once you purchase this product it will be instantly available on your account on this download store. This file is then yours for your personal use. Please see the below information on what is and is not allowed with this file.
To print as many times as you would like for your personal, family or classroom use (please show this to any printer you may take this to in order to prove that you are not infringing on the copyright by printing the book)
To print and give the book (on paper) to others
Not Allowed:
This file cannot be given to anyone else. You may give a printed copy but not the actual digital file. In order to own a digital file it must be purchased.
This file is never to be emailed to anyone else for the purpose of giving it to them or sharing it with them. In order to own a file it must be purchased.
Do not post this file, or images from this file on a blog, website or anything like it for the purpose of giving it away or selling it. If you wish to share about this book then you may use our display pictures.
Do not change this file in any way.
Do not use all or part of this file or book for commercial use in any way.
*Anything that is not meant for the intended use of this book which is for personal, family or classroom use. We are offering this as a digital file for the convenience of our customers, any abuse of that is not allowed.