2020 Youth Theme – Go & Do

2020YouthTheme slider

2020 Youth theme “Go and Do” (1 Nephi 3:7).

Darling printables for your youth to help them remember and apply the 2020 youth theme:  “Go and Do.”

2020YWPlanner pinterest

This 2020 Young Women Presidency Planner Kit will help young women leaders stay organized and keep the things they need at their fingertips.

go and do teaching kit pinterest

This young women teaching kit helps you teach your young women about the 2020 youth theme “Go and Do” (1 Nephi 3:7).  This kit will help each young woman learn more about receiving and acting upon personal revelation and being examples of 1 Nephi 3:7 as they “Go and Do.”

2020Newsletters pinterest

This young women 2020 Newsletter kit can help you keep parents informed of important information and events.

Each month is a separate file and has four editable fields – this means that you can type directly onto your PDF, save it, and then attach it to an email.

2020SpecialEventsKit pinterest

This 2020 Youth Theme Special Events Kit will be packed with darling decorations, invitations, and more to help you bring to life the 2020 Youth Theme,
“Go and Do” (1 Nephi 3:7).

2020YWbulletinBoard pinterest

This Young Women Bulletin Board Kit is full with over 50 pieces to help you decorate your Young Women board. This bulletin board kit is so easy to use! Simply pick and choose your favorite pieces, press print, cut out, and decorate your bulletin board!

YWMinisteringkit pinterest

This Young Women Ministering kit will be full of ideas and printable to help leaders minister to the youth, and youth to minister to each other.

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