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3 Nephi “Sectionializing” – FHE and Personal Scripture Study Idea
I’ve been thinking a lot about this quote by President Benson: …what a blessing it would

Book of Mormon titles: Helaman – 4th Nephi- The Red Headed Hostess
Here are some more titles for your Book of Mormon. These cover Helaman – 4

Spinach Strawberry Salad with a Heavenly Dressing- The Red Headed Hostess
This. Is. An. Amazing. Salad. Please make it. You will understand. The dressing is perfect. The blend

Book of Mormon Map Alma 36-49 | The Red Headed Hostess
Here is another Book of Mormon Map for your study! This is specifically for Alma 36

FHE Idea That Will Work For Any Chapter in the Scriptures!
This is a Family Home Evening Idea that can: 1) Get every single person in your

Dating and the Teenage Years: The Red Headed Hostess
Dating is something that most teenagers wants to talk about. If I want to get all of

Happy Birthday Sign- The Red Headed Hostess
I made this Happy Birthday sign last week for my Grandpa’s 80th birthday – and I

The BEST Oatmeal Cookies Ever- The Red Headed Hostess
You may recall me using these cookies to bribe my husband. And I think he was

5 Steps of Scripture Study- The Red Headed Hostess
Growing up, I was that girl in seminary class who sat on the back row and

“Who’s Telling the Truth?” Family Home Evening Game

Patriarchal Blessings- The Red Headed Hostess
Here is a handout about Patriarchal Blessings for you if you want it for a Family Home

A Man’s Sandwich: Roast Dippers-The Red Headed Hostess
This is a man’s dream sandwich. My husband loves it! He is in roast sandwich bliss

Getting To Know Your Young Women- The Red Headed Hostess
Knowing Your Young Women If you are currently working in the Young Women’s Program in your

Why I Believe in Throw Pillows- The Red Headed Hostess
I didn’t marry the first guy that I liked. Or the second. Or the 100th. I

Book of Mormon Map: Alma 28-35.
Here is another map for Book of Mormon study purposes. Book of Mormon Map Alma 28-35

Fun Family Game #2: The Sentence Game
Looking for a fun new family game? This is a great way to bond with your

The dessert of desserts: Tres Leches- The Red Headed Hostess
All desserts are not created equal. And this dessert will give all others a major complex.

Book of Mormon Paper Dolls- The Red Headed Hostess
There are so many ways to teach your children the scriptures. And here is one more.

Book of Mormon Titles: Book of Alma- The Red Headed Hostess
Here are the titles for the Book of Alma! Book of Mormon – Book of Alma

Easter Garland- The Red Headed Hostess
For some reason I’ve been in garland– mode lately. So it would only stand to reason

The Easter Holiday Sticks Part 2- The Red Headed Hostess
This is part 2 to this project. Part 1 is found here. We’ve already learned how to

Easter Sticks Part 1- The Red Headed Hostess
My local grocery store has a brilliant marketing plan. They have wisely placed a cart of

Book of Mormon Title: Jacob – Mosiah
Here is part 3 of the titles for the Book of Mormon. This covers Jacob through

Book of Mormon Titles: 2nd Nephi- The Red Headed Hostess
I have already posted some ideas for 1 Nephi. Now here are some things for 2

A Man and Some Flowers- The Red Headed Hostess

Book of Mormon Titles and Marking: The Beginning of 1st Nephi
1st Nephi- Marking My Scriptures Year after year after year my students express frustration in

The Birch Moss Wreath- The Red Headed Hostess
Originally I wanted to make a moss wreath for my Living Room. But I couldn’t find

Valentine Heart Wreath- The Red Headed Hostess
I saw this wreath made on “Studio 5”. The idea comes from this blog – she

Valentine’s Day Heart Sticks- The Red Headed Hostess
These little guys can go so many places. Here I have it in my planter on

Valentine Heart Garland
Just think of all the places you could string this garland up – windows, doorways,