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How Can I Increase My Testimony? 4 Teaching Ideas by John Hilton III
How Can I Increase My Testimony? By John Hilton III Here are a couple of

May Youth Lesson Ideas and Pamphlets- The Red Headed Hostess
How does each new month come so fast? We have been scrambling to get together the

Understanding Personal Revelation Study Flip Book
When I was teaching seminary, one of the most common questions from students was about personal

Prayer Prints and Block Idea- The Red Headed Hostess
Printable DIY prayer blocks with lots of designs to choose from! Aren’t these blocks the cutest

Build Your Own Scripture Study Kits- The Red Headed Hostess
I am so excited to offer this brand new product! Well, its not really brand new

Nominate a Deserving Mother- The Red Headed Hostess
In honor of the upcoming Mother’s Day, Hilary Weeks, Connie Sokol and I would love to

Which Drawing of Abraham Do You Like Best?
We are in the midst of one of our next Flip Books about understanding the House of

Names of Christ Study Flip Books!
Here are our Names of Christ Study Flip Books! We have one for guys and one

Five Author Book Giveaway!- The Red Headed Hostess
Connie Sokol is so awesome – she put together this awesome giveaway and I wanted

Why Do We Celebrate Easter Flip Book- The Red Headed Hostess
NOTE: This Flip book is no longer available and has been replaced with our new Easter

40 Days With the Savior- The Red Headed Hostess
Today I want to tell you about a book that my book group read last

Discounts and General Conference Quotes- The Red Headed Hostess
I have two things to tell you today. 🙂 FIRST… I get lots of emails asking

The Last Hours of Christ’s Life – Study Packet
Some of you may have already found this awhile ago on my blog, but I have

Old Testament Children’s Study Pages- The Red Headed Hostess
I’ve been getting such fun emails from you about how these study pages are working for

General Conference Countdown- Family Home Evening Idea
With the General Conference countdown, here is a fun idea to help get your family excited!

Easter Facebook Cover Photo For You- The Red Headed Hostess
Easter Facebook Cover Photo For You We have been working on our next Flip Book which

Being as Ruth From the Bible- The Red Headed Hostess
President Boyd K. Packer gave a really impressive promise to all of those who are part

His Grace is Sufficient – by Brad Wilcox
Today we are super lucky to hear from Brad Wilcox! Brad Wilcox is a professor in

Children Old Testament Study Pages and Learning Activities
After countless emails asking me to produce more things for primary age kiddos – we have

7 Things to Understand about Temple Dedications
For those of you in Gilbert, Arizona who are about to have a temple dedication, I

The “3 TIMES” Scripture Block Study Tip- The Red Headed Hostess
When I want to really dig into some scriptures – this is what I do. First….

Gilbert, Arizona Temple Prints- The Red Headed Hostess
For those of you in the Phoenix, Arizona area, this is a very exciting weekend for

Book of James on Adversity-The Red Headed Hostess
Did you know that the Book of James was written by Jesus’ brother? I think one

How Can the Atonement Help me During my Trials Booklet
I am really excited to show you a new product we have! This will give you

Favorite Talk: The Currant Bush- The Red Headed Hostess
I LOVE this talk! Such a fantastic story. Somewhere in my collections I have a cassette

What is the Role of Agency in Learning the Gospel?
OK, so I really, REALLY love this lesson – in fact, I taught this

Becoming a Holy Woman Progress Report- The Red Headed Hostess
OK… so it has been just over a month since I started the Becoming a

The Everyday Powers of C.H.R.I.S.T. by Anthony Sweat
The Everyday Powers of C.H.R.I.S.T. “I need thee ev’ry hour, Most gracious Lord” (Hymns

Valentine Temple Facebook Cover Photo- The Red Headed Hostess
Here is a fun Temple/Valentine Facebook cover photo for you to use on your Facebook pages!

How Can I Help Others Learn About Heavenly Father?
I really, REALLY liked this lesson. In fact, to be honest, if I were looking through

Why is Jesus Christ Important in My Life?- The Red Headed Hostess
Here are some ideas for your study or teaching of the lesson, “Why is Jesus Christ

Book of Alma Story Maps- The Red Headed Hostess
Hey Everyone! I have a few things to let you know! 1- The 2 Nephi study