Come Follow Me Mosiah 11-17
Mosiah 11-17 Lesson Kit
We are so happy about how our weekly kit for Come Follow Me Mosiah 11-17 turned out. There are some great activities in this kit and the Study Pages are so helpful in understanding the storyline. This kit coincides with the Mosiah 11-17 week in the Come, Follow Me for Individual and Families manual from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You can also use many activities and ideas for lds church come follow me manuals for Primary and Sunday School.
As always, all of the content in this kit is original and specific to We have professionally trained current and retired full-time Seminary and Institute teachers that help create our weekly kits. Each kit has material for every age. Our Study pages are for adults and teens, and all of the various activities in each kit are for young children, older children, teens, and even adults. Each activity acts as an enhancement to teach doctrine and principles applicable to the chapters in each weekly kit.
How to improve family scripture study with our Come Follow Me kits
Each kit is full of options for you and your family. Pairing the kit with primary music lds is a great way to invite the spirit into your lesson. There is enough content that you likely won’t have time to get through all of it. Getting through every item in every kit is not our intention. You can pick and choose only the items in the kit you think are best for your personal and family study based on the age ranges in your family. Printing only those selected items will save you ink and paper compared to printing the entire kit and then only using part of it.
Giving you options gives you as the parent the ability to choose what you think is best for your family instead of us dictating what you study by only giving you one or two things to choose from.
Come Follow Me – Book of Mormon: Mosiah 11-17
Each weekly kit comes with Study Pages. These pages are key in each kit. We wait to create any activities until the Study Pages are completed so that the activities can coincide perfectly with the doctrines and principles found in those chapters.
These pages are for your personal study and act as a guide to make you the scholar. They will help you can teach your family with efficiency and confidence. Each page has text from the Book of Mormon with suggested marking ideas in the left column and professionally written commentary, tips, quotes, discussion questions, and more in the right column. If these pages are all you use out of each kit, they will be worth your time and your money. They are the most popular item we offer.
The pages for Mosiah 11-17 are FULL of great principles to teach your children. The story of Abinadi and his courage in testifying to King Noah can teach your children how to have the same courage in today’s world with the things they will be facing. These are great chapters to teach about repentance and why it’s important not to delay repentance.
Abinadi teaches us about the resurrection, gives us commentary on some words from Isaiah about Christ, and teaches us that boldly testifying of the Gospel can have results in someone’s life that we don’t even know about. Alma heard Abinadi’s words and became a great prophet, and Abinadi never even knew how his words would affect Alma. Our commentary always has great insights on how to apply things taught into everyday situations today.
Come Follow Me – Book of Mormon: Mosiah 11-17
Illustrated Stories
Each weekly kit includes illustrated Stories, also called “Bedtime Stories,” and these are one of the most popular items in our weekly kits. These pages illustrate the stories in the according chapters in each kit. They provide great discussion questions for young children and older children.
Simply print the story pages and keep them in your child’s room for a quick 5-minute lesson/discussion. These illustrations have simple captions explaining the story, doctrine, and principles in very simple terms in a way easy for kids to understand. This is a great way to easily do Come, Follow Me multiple days or nights during the week.
Collectible Cards
The Collectible Cards are also included in each weekly kit, and it has been so fun to hear from our customers about how they have used these cards. They are a new item for the Book of Mormon year and have quickly become popular!
Print the cards back-to-back with the questions page. After you cut out the cards, each card will then have questions on the back. When your children complete the questions or activity on the back of each card, then they earn that card. The cards are the same size as a traditional trading card so you can purchase clear trading card sleeves to keep the cards in.
Your kids will love watching their collection grow throughout the year. These are also perfect for reviewing with your children. Simply flip through their collection and tell them to tell you about a story from random cards.
Scripture Marking Guide
One of our goals for each weekly kit is getting your children into the actual scriptures. Activities can be fun but nothing replaces getting into the actual scriptures. Our Scripture Marking Guide for Kids is a perfect way to accomplish that goal.
A marking guide is a part of each weekly kit. These are not just busy work telling your kids to mark this and that. As your children go through the guide, they will learn scripture study skills, doctrines and principles, answer questions, and more. They will learn to understand doctrine and make it relatable to them now. It is so rewarding as a parent to see your children’s marked scriptures and them being able to explain to you what is in the pages they just studied.
Scripture Glue-Ins
Scripture Glue-Ins are a fun thing we offer in every kit. Kids and even adults love them. They are illustrations of the story that you cut out and past directly in your scriptures in the correct spot. They are often the same illustrations as what you’ll find in the Bedtime Stories. This will help your children better recognize the story. Using a glue stick, just run a thin bead of glue along the Glue-In and paste it in the margin of your scriptures.
Coloring Pages
For your youngest children, we always have some coloring pages to go along with what is being taught and learned. These are for children who have a hard time focusing for very long. These will keep them busy so you can continue your Come, Follow Me with your older children, but they will also be part of the conversation since the pages relate to other items in the kit and what is being learned.
This week, Abinadi recites the Ten Commandments to wicked King Noah and his priests. He teaches that the law of Moses points to Christ. It is through Christ that we are saved, not the law of Moses. This activity is a fun way to teach and review the Ten Commandments.
Each week we will always have unique and fun ideas. These activities are specifically for kids and teens BUT adults should still look through them each week. There are often activities very helpful for all ages, even adults. Sometimes, reading things in simple terms for kids can help you as an adult. You may better understand the storyline or doctrines and principles you may have struggled to understand in the past.
How to Get Our Weekly Kits
We work very hard to give you the very best study and teaching material for the lowest possible price. Each kit has an average of 150 hours of time put into it between the writing of the study pages, the illustrated stories, the creation of various activities, proofing, and much more.
Our weekly kits are a product line that has resulted from decades of seminary and institute teaching experience and over 10 years in business as a company. You will always have great options to choose from. Each weekly kit is a download available in your account immediately after purchase or automatically in your account each week if you are a subscriber.
There are two ways to purchase our weekly kits. You can purchase individually as needed for $4.00 each from THIS section. The other option is to subscribe monthly for $10.00 per month. That averages out to be $2.50 per weekly kit. For the cost of your weekly soda, you can get professional, helpful and relevant Come, Follow Me helps. Click the image below to read about how our subscription works.