2017 LDS Primary Helps
Introducing our 2017 LDS primary helps! We have gathered the very best teachers and designers to create helps for families and classrooms as you seek to teach those you love and serve. We are working hard to give you every primary help you could possibly need, so please give us feedback if there are specific things you are looking for!
We are dedicated to providing material that is focused on teaching correct doctrine. We reference manuals and official church material as we create each primary lesson, primary sharing time, and all other helps. We give you suggestions on how you could use each item, however we encourage you to adapt each package to fit the individuals needs of those you are teaching and the lesson you are giving.
The pictures below show you each category we have. We are adding to this all of the time! Click on each category to see specific packages.
The 2017 Primary theme is “Choose the Right” and we have everything you need! There is a family packet so that families can teach their children about the theme, there is a bulletin board kit, birthday surprises, classroom signs, reminder bracelets, pencil toppers, monthly posters, mini coloring book, and so much more!
Primary sharing time is such a wonderful opportunity to teach young children. If you are looking for effective visuals and learning activities, we have everything you need here. There are primary games, learning activities, and wonderful illustrations! Each illustration and activity is custom designed for that specific lesson.

LDS Primary Faith in God books and helps! As primary children (ages 8 and above) work on their “Faith in God” requirements in order to earn the “Faith in God Award,” we have books and helps to help your children work on the requirements, track and fulfill them, and keep their own record as they go. Books and printable helps available!

Would you like a collection of primary games that can be used for a variety of lessons and topics? We have you covered! Tons of easy-to-print activities that you can use and reuse! You can make them fit with any topic you are teaching!
Love your Primary Kits for this year. Do you do emergency lessons for people who fill in for primary at the last minute?
We offer kits for sunbeams, CTR, and Valiant. All lessons come with visual aids, learning activities and step-by-step instructions/suggestions. Any of these could be used for last minutes lessons for a sub. These kits will fit any purpose. Once in a while some lessons will require a little more prep compared to others but most will always have options for quick, last minutes lessons. Just read the descriptions. Thanks.