YW Lesson Topic Stickers!! | The Red Headed Hostess
Here is another set of Young Women lesson titles (for manual 1)
These are made for Avery Templates for 1″ x 2 5/8″ labels
The compatible products are:
5160, 5260, 5520, 5620, 5630, 5660, 5810, 5960, 6241, 6460, 6461, 6498, 6560, 6970, 8160, 8250, 8460, 8620, 8660, 8810, 8860, 8920, 15510, 15520, 15660, 15970, 15971, 15972, 16460, 18160, 18260, 18460, 18660, 28660, 32660, 38260, 48160, 48360, 48460, 48860, 48960, 55160, 58160, 58660, 75160, 85560, 88560
These stickers are meant to be printed and put at the top of each Young Woman’s Arise and Shine Forth Journals!
Plus… this set has a little something extra…
Some stickers of the theme. I was thinking that you could have the girls paperclip these into the front of their journals…
And then throughout the year you can ask the girls how the lesson applies to the theme – then they can put the sticker on that page and write about what you discuss.
Alright here are the PDF files… I hope they line up for you. If they don’t for some reason, you can still print them onto an 8 1/2 x 11 full page label sheet and cut them up into rectangles. I hope it works for you though. I used the template… 🙂
Here is the PDF for page 1:
Here is the PDF for page 2:
YW Lesson stickers manual 1 page 2
Perhaps future journals could have an inside cover pocket for extra paper and bits?
I LOVE the new stickers so CLASSY! And much easier to read. Thanks!
Thanks I printed these out this morning-so excited!!1
Really glad to have these stickers made for lables!!!
The labels are still not lining up correctly. By Line 5, they are off.
I just bought the Label stickers as well. When I print them they are not lining up in the proper columns. They also print so the titles are printing between two stickers. Any ideas?
I had the same problem with them not lining up properly. Using screen shots and lots of cutting and pasting, I was able to put it in a word document formatted for labels. I am happy to share it with anyone. Email me at [email protected]
I couldn’t get the labels to print at all! Had the same problem with the quotes for this book as well. Is there any way around this?
These are so cool! You should do them for other manuals too.