Young Women Lesson: Living the Gospel Daily

Here is a handout for the YW lesson #3 (Manual 3):

Living the GospelThe lesson is titled: Living the Gospel Daily. The first thing I would do with each principle listed is have the girls think of a definition for it – I will come with some prepared, but I want them to come up with it first.  Also, I added a column at the end of each principle where the girls can find their own personal theme scripture.  So, after we discuss each principle, share personal experiences, etc., we will take a moment and each find a scripture that we want to be an example of ourselves in that principle.  I think it would be super cool to hear what different scriptures we all come up with and why (and I may just end up stealing theirs)  :).


I think it is important to emphasize that each of these principles is part of being happy.  If one is missing, it impacts everything.

Here is the handout in PDF format: Living the Gospel Daily lesson 3 handout

Are you looking to learn more? Check out out website here.


  1. Thank you so much for your time and effort. I feel so blessed that people are so creative and are willing to share with those of us who are not so….

  2. Thank- you so much for your whole entire website. I love the whole thing! It has been one of a few I go to regularly because it has so much insight and gospel depth. I am excited that you have added lesson helps. Love the must read talk section. I have printed many of those off and they have strengthened me and others I have shared them with. I have a scripture journal and tried to teach it to the YW at girls camp. I think only a select few are actually using them, but some are. A lot of them have still not discovered a love for the scriptures yet. Great website. Come see mine:

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