January Come Follow Me Sunday School: Godhead
January Come Follow Me Sunday School: The Godhead
Here are all of the January Come Follow Me Sunday School lessons in one package. Sorry for the late arrival! We had the flu make its way through us which slowed us down quite a bit. To make up for it we added some really great things to this package for you.
We added in a “getting to know you” print to give to those you are teaching. This will really help you get some valuable information that you can benefit from all year.
We also added in a print with all the lesson themes and titles for the year. It comes in two sizes for your convenience.
This package also includes study sheets and teaching helps for all 5 lessons – a total of 34 pages.
You can find this package (and see lots more pictures) HERE.
It is also available on our Etsy store (for those who prefer PayPal) HERE.