How Can I Invite Others to Become More Like the Savior?
How Can Invite Others to Be More Like the Savior?
Do you want your children to feel more confident in standing up for good and righteousness like the Savior? This is a fantastic lesson that can teach them some important life skills!
This is the topic for one of the youth Sunday School lessons, and I LOVE this lesson! I want to let all of you awesome parents know that this would make an excellent Family Home Evening for all ages.
We always talk about the important of sharing the Gospel, being a missionary, and preparing to be a missionary – but this lesson teaches some skills on HOW to do that. It integrates a part of Preach My Gospel and teaches about asking “direct questions”.
Many of us are familiar with the “direct questions” that a missionary will ask an investigator, but this lesson focuses more on how the youth can use them in their everyday lives as they help their friends make better choices in their lives. I just love it because every youth will be faced with this dilemma so it is so wonderful to give them effective tools they can use.
So I really feel this is a good lesson for parents to read so that it can be an ongoing conversation and topic in the home rather than a one-time lesson at church.
Adapting this lesson for all ages of children
In the lesson it suggests that you (and the others) come up with situations in which they could help someone make positive changes in their life, and ultimately become more like the Savior. For example, helping someone overcome a swearing problem, or helping someone attend church. For your younger children you could easily think of situations that are applicable to their stage of life. For example, bullying, sharing, being kind to others, etc.
Here is how I would prepare for the lesson:
- I would make a long list of situations and then prayerfully choose the ones we should talk about in Family Home Evening.
- Then I would take each situation and consider what Christlike behavior would look like with that subject. So WHY would Christ never bully and what would he be like instead? For an article that talks about considering what Christlike behavior is like, go HERE.
- Then I would plan our Family Home Evening. I would start by teaching about direct questions and what becoming Christlike means. In fact. I may have an entire month on the subject and the first lesson would be about being Christlike and the following would be about situations.
- Then I would have the situations in a bowl and pull them out and have my family come up with questions that they could use to help the other person improve.
- I would also make sure to discuss how to ask these questions in a way that is natural and uplifting, and not offensive to the person we are trying to help.
Also, have you parents seen the videos in the Come Follow Me Curriculum? They are just excellent! Most of them are between 3 to 4 minutes and are just amazing resources for you to help create meaningful discussion with your children.
Here are a couple of quotes that may work well as you teach about this topic of inviting others to be more like the Savior:
“The finest of friends must sometimes be stern sentinels, who will insist that we become what we have the power to become.” (Elder Neal A. Maxwell, “Insights to My Life”, p. 199)
“Live in such a way that people who know you but don’t know Christ will want to know Christ because they know you.” (Bishop H. David Burton, Ensign, May 1994, 68)
And HERE is our teaching package for this lesson:
You can find this HERE.
Thanks so much! Sunday School teachers say YAY and THANKS!
This is wonderful! I’m excited to teach this lesson on Sunday to my 14-15 year old Sunday School class. Just the help I needed!
Thank you!! Amazing!!! Excited to teach my 12-13 yr old Sunday School class this Sunday!