How Can a Patriarchal Blessing Help Me?
May Young Women’s Lesson
You will love everything in our teaching package: How Can a Patriarchal Blessing Help Me? Included in this lesson are the following:
(Note: this is also part of our May Come Follow Me Combo package here: May Combo: Prophets and Revelation)
LESSON TOPIC PRINT: This page can be displayed throughout the lesson to help those you teach reflect upon the lesson topic.
ANALOGIES/INTRODUCTION: Show these pictures that illustrate analogies President Monson has used to teach about patriarchal blessings. Have those you are teaching guess what the lesson is about. Take this opportunity to let them reflect on how a patriarchal blessing is like all of these analogies.
QUIZ: Let everyone take this multiple choice quiz and then use the article “About Patriarchal Blessings” (March 2004 New Era) to check answers and find more information about each topic.
CONCERNS AND QUOTES: Have those you are teaching think about concerns that individuals might have that may cause them to put off receiving their patriarchal blessings. Look through these quotes and find answers to those concerns.
INDIVIDUAL WORTH EXPERIENCE #2: This page, along with the quiz, would help fulfill this Personal Project experience for any young women working on this.
STUDY PAGE FOR YOUR PATRIARCHAL BLESSING: Give this page to each person who has already received their patriarchal blessing. This page has boxes where they can list gifts, warnings, promises, and more! Encourage them to study their own blessing using this page.
TEACHING SUGGESTIONS: This package comes with detailed suggestions for how to use each page we provide for you.
Find this package and see more pictures here: How Can a Patriarchal Blessing Help Me?
This month we have some free social media images for you! All of them match the teaching package too.
These can be used in any of the following ways:
- Post on social media to your youth to help get them more prepared, excited, and thinking about the lesson.
- Use their answers in your lesson (they will be more likely to respond to future social media questions if you do this).
- Ask them to post the question on their personal social media accounts and gather answers themselves (plus they are sharing the Gospel online!).
- Text or email the picture to your youth and tell them that you are gathering answers for your lesson and ask them to respond.
- Use as a follow-up to your lesson. Post the images that will help reinforce what they learned in class.
- Use to help involve and teach young women who were not at the lesson on Sunday.
- You can encourage the young women to comment and participate on social media by telling them that every time they comment you will enter their name into a drawing, and then you will draw out one name and they will get a treat.
- Right click on picture, save to your computer or phone.
- Email it to yourself if you need to transfer the image from your computer to your phone. Then open on your phone and save the images to your phone.
- Post on social media.
Here are some pictures you can choose from:
This is a great image to post before your lesson. You could say something like, “Guess what! Our lesson on Sunday is about Patriarchal Blessings and I want to know what YOU want to learn about! So spill it! Leave me all of the question you have or things you would like to talk about!”
Why are patriarchal blessings important?
This can be before your lesson (to help them start pondering about this topic) or after (to follow up with what they learned). If you want them to answer before the lesson you could incentivize them by promising a piece of candy for everyone who leaves a comment.
You could share this quote and say something like, “What part of this quote stands out most to you?”
This would be a great follow up to the lesson since you will talk about this in detail. You could also add, “If you have already received your Patriarchal Blessing, please leave the best advice you have for those of us who have not yet received their blessing.”
This is very similar to the above image, so you may want to choose which one best fits your needs. This is one of three images that can help your young women complete the Individual Worth #2 experience. That experience says this:
“Learn about the importance of patriarchal blessings by studying about them in True to the Faith and recent conference talks. Find out why they are given and who can give them. Discuss with a parent or Church leader how to prepare to receive a patriarchal blessing and how it can teach you of your worth and identity and be a guide throughout your life. If you have not received your blessing, prepare to receive it.”
We have given you everything in our teaching package to help the young women study from True to the Faith and from general conference talks. You could then use these social media images to get the girls discussing and sharing with one another. Parents and church leaders can also leave their comments.
Thank You!! This is fantastic! Personally, I like the pamphlet – it holds a lot of information and tucks into my study journal nicely. Again – Thank You 🙂
Thank you so much! Your blog has made studying the scriptures easier and more enjoyable.
Thank you! What an important study guide. I like the pamphlet form as well because it fits in the standard journals we use at seminary and in personal study journals.
Have you considered actually publishing your e-book about Israel? I, for one, would love to buy the book!!
okay, just followed the link and got your message about working on publishing the book! That is exciting! The pamphlet form is great…will be using this this week!
Thank you! This is great. I also love, love your ebook about the House of Israel! I would love to buy a physical copy. Hopefully it is published soon!
Thank you so much for making this pamphlet available to us and thank you for ALL of your hard work. I also love the fact that your download store is so affordable! I love the pamphlet form, it is so much easier to fit into our scriptures/scripture bag and keep things looking nice and organized.