How Does the Holy Ghost Help us Learn?- The Red Headed Hostess
I just finished studying this lesson in my Come Follow Me Adult Study Guide – and I really, really loved it!
I have taught this topic so many times, but this one was laid out really well and I appreciated every scripture, talk and study reference.
As I was studying I had a couple of ideas to share with you.
First, the set of scriptures in here are really great. I would for sure to include that in a lesson or Family Home Evening I was teaching.
I had the idea to set out six items:
1- A flashlight
2- A newspaper or computer
3- A folded towel or blanket (preferably one with a picture or a message on it)
4- An empty plate
5- The Children’s Song Book bookmarked with the song, “Search, Ponder and Pray”, or a scripture journal
6- Light Bulb
I would put these things out for everyone to see and then study each of the six scriptures suggested in the outline.
Then I would explain that each item represents something about how the Holy Ghost teaches us and I would have everyone try to match the items to the right scriptures. I would take the opportunity to share different thoughts and insights as we went through each scripture and item.
For example:
1- A flashlight
John 16:13 = the Holy Ghost guides us.
What are some more ways that the Holy Ghost is like a flashlight?
2- A newspaper or computer
1 Corinthians 2:9-14 = The Spirit reveals truth that the natural mind cannot figure out on its own – it must be revealed by the Spirit.
There is a lot of disagreement in the world with things that we believe. It would do us well to understand that we cannot explain everything we believe unless those we are talking to wish to be taught by the Spirit. If they are interested in truth, then we must discuss it with love and in a way that the Spirit can testify of truth (i.e. not argue) to them. The internet and news are full of negative opinions towards our views, but we must be charitable and understand why people may not understand our viewpoint.
Also, this is one of my all-time favorite quotes:
“Impressions on the soul that come from the Holy Ghost are far more significant than a vision. When spirit speaks to spirit, the imprint upon the soul is far more difficult to erase.” (President Joseph Fielding Smith, Improvement Era, November 1966, 979)
Receiving a witness from the Holy Ghost is not a small thing. He is a member of the Godhead. He has infinite powers. We must hold each of those moments as very sacred and special.
3- A folded towel or blanket (preferably one with a picture or a message on it)
1 Nephi 10:19 = truth is unfolded to us, often a little at a time. When all is revealed, we can see the full picture and can look back and see the small portion we used to only see.
The word that struck me in this scripture was “unfolded”. I think that is an important principle to understand when studying the Gospel, especially in a world where things are often so instant.
Elder Richard G. Scott said, “Profound spiritual truth cannot be poured from one mind and heart to another. It takes faith and diligent effort. Precious truth comes a small piece at a time through faith with great exertion, and at times wrenching struggles. The Lord intends it to be that way so we an mature and progress.” (Ensign, November 1993, 86)
4- An empty plate
Alma 5:45-46 = the empty plate represents fasting and prayer, or the effort required to receive revelation and spiritual truths.
* Check out this talk by President Henry B. Eyring – you will get some REALLY good stories about the kind of effort we can put in to learning: Listen Together. There are a few stories in there I used to share all of the time in seminary.
5- The Children’s Song Book bookmarked with the song, “Search, Ponder and Pray”, or a scripture journal
Moroni 10:3-5 = This is the famous formula for seeking out a testimony on particular doctrines. Study, Ponder and then ask God. THEN the Holy Ghost will testify.
6- Light Bulb
D&C 11:12-14 = Our mind will be enlightened and fill our soul with joy
I hope that gives you some good ideas for your own class or family!
Here are some printable pamphlets of the talks suggested in that lesson. When you print them off make sure to do them back to back. Also, it will look funny because the first page is in the bottom right corner – this is how it should be. Once you print and fold the pamphlet will be in the correct order.
To know how to add these into your study journals, check out this post.
The Quest for Spiritual Knowledge by Boyd K. Packer
Converted to His Gospel through His Church by Donald L. Hallstrom
Receiving By the Spirit by A. Roger Merrill
See our teaching packages about the Holy Ghost below:
You can read more about what is in this package HERE.
You can read more about this package HERE.
Thank you for this. It is such a wonderful lesson idea. I am very grateful for your lesson helps and the time and effort you put into everything you do. I am going to purchase the Come Follow Me study guide through Amazon.
Thank you for giving us the talks ready to print out pamphlet style! I received your Come Follow Me manual and am ready to go! I love how detailed it is! You have really put a lot of work into it and it is appreciated!
I am loving this journal. Iam actually doing both the young women/men and the adult jourmals. Even though I’ve only done the first lesson for both I am loving it. Thank you so much for putting up the pamphlets to print out. It’s so nice to have the talk right there.