Why is the First Vision important? Free social media images
Why is the First Vision important? You are going to LOVE this lesson! We have given you a very detailed scripture marking guide for Joseph Smith-History 1:1-20. Not only will your youth learn a ton with this guide, but they will learn a lot of new scripture marking techniques as well.
You can work through this guide together as a group, or you can make it a silent lesson. For a silent lesson, just put out some tables, give each person a marking guide, set out colored pens and coloring pencils, and play reverent music. They will LOVE it! This package also comes with and illustrated page with all of the scriptures for Joseph Smith-History printed on it – so you can give one to each person in case they only have digital scriptures.
AND this can be used to help fulfill Personal Progress Faith Experience #1!
You can find this scripture marking guide here: Why is the First Vision important? Scripture marking guide and teaching package.
It is also available in the April combo package which includes five lessons. You can find this kit here: April Combo: The Apostasy and the Restoration
This month we have some free social media images for you! All of them match the teaching package: Why is the First Vision important? too.
These can be used in any of the following ways:
- Post on social media to your youth to help get them more prepared, excited, and thinking about the lesson.
- Use their answers in your lesson (they will be more likely to respond to future social media questions if you do this).
- Ask them to post the question on their personal social media accounts and gather answers themselves (plus they are sharing the Gospel online!).
- Text or email the picture to your youth and tell them that you are gathering answers for your lesson and ask them to respond.
- Use as a follow-up to your lesson. Post the images that will help reinforce what they learned in class.
- Use to help involve and teach young women who were not at the lesson on Sunday.
- You can encourage the young women to comment and participate on social media by telling them that every time they comment you will enter their name into a drawing, and then you will draw out one name and they will get a treat.
- Right click on picture, save to your computer or phone.
- Email it to yourself if you need to transfer the image from your computer to your phone. Then open on your phone and save the images to your phone.
- Post on social media.
Here are some pictures you can choose from:
This is a great image to share with the youth before the lesson. Invite them to ponder the question and share their answers on social media. You can even use their answers to help introduce your lesson.
This is another good image to share before the lesson. Invite them to fill in the blank.
This one is really good to share after your lesson. Especially once they have worked through the marking guide in our teaching package Why is the First Vision important? They will have learned a lot of new details about Joseph Smith and what was happening in his life and around him. This is a great question to ask them after they have learned all those new things! And it is a great question to ask that helps them apply what they learned to their own lives.
This is a perfect image to share BEFORE your lesson. If you share more than one image before your lesson, do this one FIRST! It will be really interesting to see what answers they come up with.
After you share their answers, you can share this quote from President Joseph F. Smith:
“The greatest event that has ever occurred in the world, since the resurrection of the Son of God from the tomb and his ascension on high, was the coming of the Father and of the Son to that boy Joseph Smith” (Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed. [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1939], p. 495).
This is another option to share after they complete the study guide found here: Why is the First Vision important? It is a great, general question that can be answered in many ways after they have completed that package.
You can see all social media images for all of the April Young Women and Young Men lessons below. Just click on the links:
Why is the First Vision important?
How was the Priesthood restored?
What was Joseph Smith’s role in the restoration?
Why was a restoration necessary?
Why do we need the Book of Mormon?
I love the social media images! Thanks for sharing!