Arise and Shine Forth Stories and Quotes
Here are some fun helps that are meant to go along with the Arise and Shine Forth Journals!
Throughout the journal experience,
the youth are prompted at different times to find stories or things that apply to this theme. They can either find some on their own, or they can come to this website and read through some options provided here and pick out their favorite ones!
They can either come to this post, or even easier,
find the book on the “shopping” tab and click on the appropriate link under the “Arise and Shine Forth Journals”. It is all very easy and explained to them in the journal – they shouldn’t need your help at all.
Once they find what they are looking for,
they can either print it and then cut and paste it into their journal, or they can simply write about it or copy it word for word.
OK…. Here is what I have for them:
The youth will have an opportunity in their journals to find some quotes that help teach about this theme.
They can simply just print off this page of quotes, read through them all and then cut and paste their favorite ones into their journals.
There are some GREAT quotes in this bunch.
Here is the PDF for the quotes:
At another point in their journals, the youth find a story about someone who is a great example of this theme.
Again, they can find their own, or they can come to this site where there are three really great options they can read through and choose from.
They are formatted in a way where they can print them off and cut them out and then glue or tape them into their journals.
Here is the PDF for the stories:
At another point of the journal experience, the youth will choose some of the standards from the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet and write about how and why it is important to “arise and shine forth” in that area in their life.
With each standard they choose, they will find a quote about the importance of this standard. I have provided them with several options here.
Also, you may be aware that there is a revised For the Strength of Youth pamphlet including some adapted and new standards. The quotes provided took all of this into consideration.
Here is the PDF for the standards quotes:
I love your blog! I’ve been reading EVERYTHING on here! It’s amazing! My oldest is 7 years old and is to be baptized next year. I was wondering if you had any more activites for teaching children the basics of the gospel? I know I’m asking a lot! Your ideas are just wonderful! Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you soooooo much! Your blog is amazing and I love all of the helps and ideas.
I love your site. I am not in Young Women but I do have grandaughters which I will love to share at our sleepovers. Thank you.
Thank you Shannon. Hope you are feeling better!
Hello..I LOVE all of the journals and quotes for this upcoming year! I just thought I’d let you know that the pdf file for the quotes, are blurry…so I’m unable to print it. It looks like all the quotes from the Prophets are blurred…help 🙂
Hi Erin! Did you open the PDF file or did you click on the picture? 🙂
some of mine are blurred too….i clicked the pdf link.
Have you tried printing it? Is it just the visual that pulls up that is blurry, or the actual file when it is printed?
These are beautiful! I will be bookmarking these posts to keep for my daughter (she will be 12 in 2 days!) as I gave her the Arise and Shine Forth journal for her birthday! Thank you for your beautiful print-ables and for allowing us to have access to your wisdom and knowledge!
I actually opened the pdf. file…
I just printed the quotes and none of mine are blurry. Shannon thank you so much. These have been a treasure and we are both looking forward to using these as we work on our Personal Progress together as well. Thank you for giving this time and sharing your talents.
It’s blurry when it’s printed too. Thanks for these amazing helps. I’m so excited about using your things as the year progresses. You are much appreciated!
You are just wonderful!! Thank you so much for all of the help and resources you offer. You enrich everyones life by using your talents to build the kingdom. Thanks again. I really appreciate all of your hard work and dedication.
Mine are blurry too.
Help! Mine are blurry too when printed!! I need them for tonight! 🙂
Thank you Shannon!
My Beehives are putting together their journals tonight at Mutual! They will LOVE them!!
Rachel, do you have a MAC? I am SO confused why these are blurry! I have tried on a few different computers and everytime they are clear. I haven’t done anything different than before… I don’t know what is going on!! 🙁
Thank you so much for sharing all of your wonderful ideas, they have been so useful to me! I know awhile back you shared the website that you get a lot of your cute fonts, do you mind sharing that again, I can’t remember.
Hi Kara!
You can get the fonts here: