April Youth Sunday School Lesson Ideas – The Apostasy and Restoration
Here are some ideas for all of you awesome Sunday School teachers! Also, we specifically design these items to be good for personal and family study. 🙂
Also – all of the talks (in pamphlet form) are at end of this post.
Here is the Sunday School teaching package for April! This is PACKED with amazing things for 5 lessons. There are 50 pages of really great things! Including an amazing scripture marking guide for Joseph Smith-History 1:5-20
You can see the lesson title prints above, but you can check out a detailed description and lots of pages HERE.
We also have another package that is filled with illustrations to teach about the Apostasy and the Restoration.
We took all of the principles in True to the Faith and made pictures that visually teach them. Above you can see what a chalkboard could look like. The picture above that is a note page that can be filled out by searching through True to the Faith, or during the lesson.
After the youth learn what the pictures represent, you could have them then explain the Apostasy and Restoration by using the pictures as visual clues.
You can find this package HERE.
Also, we have a printable book titled, “The History of the Bible, and Why the World Needed the Book of Mormon”.
This insightful book teaches you about the earliest manuscripts, original languages, translators, reformers, King James, and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. It really lays out the timeline of important events, the translation and history of the Bible, the protestant reformation, and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon.
You can find this book HERE.
And here are all of the pamphlets of the suggested talks for the lessons. These are meant to be printed back-t0-back and then folded over like a pamphlet.
ss lesson 1 Gaining Knowledge Eternal Truths Teachings of Presidents, Joseph Smith
ss lesson 2 These Things I Know Packer
ss lesson 2 Beware of Evil….Smiling Eyes N. Andersen
ss lesson 2 Learning with Our Hearts Gonzalez
ss lesson 3 The Doctrine of Christ Christofferson
ss lesson 3 Keeping the Doctrine Pure Teaching No Greater Call
ss lesson 4 Learning Lessons of Past Ballard
ss lesson 5 Catch the Wave Nelson
ss lesson 5 Only True and Living Church Oaks
ss lesson 5 Bear Testimony Frequently Preach My Gospel
Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication to the gospel! I am inspired by you!
Logandale, NV
LOVE this!!!! Thanks for all of your hard work!!!