How to Review General Conference With Your Family/Class

Hasn’t General Conference been wonderful?

One thing I have learned being a seminary teacher, is that I cannot ignore General Conference.

I must prepare them and review with them.

They will directly associate my talking about it, with how important I think it is.

So over the years I have reviewed a variety of different ways…

This year, I gave all of my students these trivia cards:

conference review

Go here for the printout and instructions

But I am dying to know what you do for review with your family or classes.

So the question this week is:

What do you do to review General Conference?

Please include ideas for:

  • ETC…

Also, check out our website here.


  1. Thanks for the idea. I think even though we didn’t hand out question cards before conference, we can still come together for the game and have them make up the questions from their notes. (We always play a game to review, so we take copious notes. It keeps us all awake and helps us remember things that were important to us.) I am thinking about letting the person who answers the question putt a golf ball into an electronic practice cup before they pick their question. They can choose from the easy (close) line, the medium (middle) line, or the hard (far) line to putt from. They earn 100 points for their team from the easy, 200 from the medium, and 400 from the hard line. Or something like that. My 9 year old does better when he moves around a little bit.

  2. I found a resource of someone who puts together a conference jeopardy game for their seminary class. We have used it with our family for FHE on the first monday after conference for the last few years. It has been great fun. Our kids ask…can we invite friends to FHE to play conference jeopardy?

  3. I feel the same way you do about conference-but for my family! All of our kids have a notebook and special pens to take notes in during conference. They can draw pictures of the subject or stories to help them remember, or just take notes. (My kids are 8-16 years old-when they were little tiny this wasn’t the way we did it.) The following Monday during FHE we don’t have a formal lesson, instead we review the talks. We take turns saying what talks we really liked, and we talk about “themes” or topics that seem to be repeated frequently. Then we each pick a talk to use as our lesson the next time it’s our turn to teach FHE and I write them on the big family calendar.

    Then we play a jeopardy type game or sometimes a memory game matching speakers to topics or stories. One year for Sharing Time following General Conference I made a Jeopardy style game to play, it was a bit hit! I had topics like “It’s all in the numbers” (with answers like how many temples were announced, or how many sessions of conference are there) another I remember was “Primarily Music” and the answers were about the songs-especially Primary songs the choirs sang.

    It really helps that over the next several weeks all our FHE lessons are from Conference, and sometimes we’ll have another round of General Conference based lessons-especially if the kids are suffering from “But I don’t know what to do for my lesson” syndrome—anyone else have that run in their family?

    Just recently found your sight, and I adore it. Thanks so much for all your effort-and for sharing with all of us!

  4. I put together a slide deck so we could review the apostles (matching names to faces) and then we played a guessing game with old photos of the GAs from their youth. Once the kids guessed correctly, I recaped what that particular apostle spoke about.

    The kids had a great time guessing names as well as recaping the stories that they remembered.

    Here is my blog where I posted a photo:

    There are also some glue-ins there that you might be interested in. Enjoy!

  5. For our little family of toddlers we talked about how listening to our Prophet and the Apostles helps us grow. We then hunched down on the ground in a little ball and took turns “growing” like a seed into a flower. We stretched upward as we shared something that was said in General Conference. My 3-year old heard them talking about taking care of the poor. It is fun to see what they actually hear and also jog my memory as I had to listen in between tantrums, snacks and diaper changes!

  6. My mother-in-law used to do a “conference bowl” with the kids where she would ask questions and when they answered correctly, they received a small candy or penny. Well, she moved away about five years ago and recently we remembered how fun this was and decided to bring it back with our family. I prepared many questions of varying levels of difficulty. The rules were that they needed to raise their hands. If they blurted out the answer, they would not get to pick a prize. Since my kids are spread out in age and range from 18 to 9, I also let them know I wouldn’t necessarily call on the person with their hand up first. I had a container of candy from the 99 cents store and some little toys like rubber bouncy balls. Little did I know the bouncy balls would be such a big hit! I was pleasantly surprised to see how much they retained over the weekend. I was also surprised to see how competitive my husband can be over cheap candy and bouncy balls!! I love this activity because not only do I get to see what my children retain but it refreshes our memory on some of the happenings in conference.

  7. Conference was so wonderful – as always! I was surprised on Monday when my 5 year old asked if it was still conference and when I told her it was over she was so disappointed – then I said but we can watch it again which she was very excited about. So, that is my plan – share some of my notes for a couple minutes each day and in quiet moments turn conference on and listen again. I also plan on using your trivia game and of course re-reading and studying the messages in the Ensign for the next six months.

  8. For our young women’s activity just following conference, we all sat in a circle and went over our notes that we had all taken throughout conference. We talked about some of our favorite talks, subjects, apostles, etc. We also discussed things that the girls might not have understood – answered questions, etc. It was an extremely spiritual activity.

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