Family Home Evening/ General Conference/ Craft Idea…

Since the texts for General Conference are now available, I thought I would post this idea again.  This is a fun way to get your kids to search through the talks and make some cute stuff for your home.  So… here we go… again:

And… by the way…  I made this quote a few conferences ago and this has been hanging in my home ever since.  All I can say is that this quote has had IMPACT!  Having it up everyday has absolutely cemented this quote into our lives.  Plus… others walk by and read it.  It has been wonderful!

Do you remember this quote from Spring General Conference in 2009?  It has really impacted the way I view my own home and what I use to decorate it. Read to be inspired on some craft ideas:

Recently, in a stake conference, all present were invited by the visiting authority, Elder Glen Jenson, an Area Seventy, to take a virtual tour of their homes using their spiritual eyes. I would like to invite each of you to do this also. Wherever your home may be and whatever its configuration, the application of eternal gospel principles within its walls is universal. Let’s begin. Imagine that you are opening your front door and walking inside your home. What do you see, and how do you feel? Is it a place of love, peace, and refuge from the world, as is the temple? Is it clean and orderly? As you walk through the rooms of your home, do you see uplifting images which include appropriate pictures of the temple and the Savior? Is your bedroom or sleeping area a place for personal prayer? Is your gathering area or kitchen a place where food is prepared and enjoyed together, allowing uplifting conversation and family time? Are scriptures found in a room where the family can study, pray, and learn together? Can you find your personal gospel study space? Does the music you hear or the entertainment you see, online or otherwise, offend the Spirit? Is the conversation uplifting and without contention? That concludes our tour. Perhaps you, as I, found a few spots that need some “home improvement”—hopefully not an “extreme home makeover.”   (Gary E. Stevenson, “Sacred Homes, Sacred Temples,” Ensign, May 2009, 101–3)

I loved going through my home in my own mind and realizing where I could improve.  And truthfully – this is why my husband and I recently splurged on this item for our home:

 A beautiful picture of the Temple we were married in.  We got this from Cultural Hall Home Decor.  And we love it.  Everytime we walk through the front room we say – “we love that picture” and we are reminded of being married there and our thoughts are taken to that beautiful memory.

And that was our goal.

Which is the purpose of putting up quotes from Conference.  Can you see that there are several layers to this quote?  The more fun and inviting the quote is to look at – the more likely your children will want to participate AND the more likely people are to stop and read it.

So – here is how you make this:

Have each member of your family pick a quote they would like to make and display.  You could certainly use any General Conference from any year – but I chose this most recent one for a few reasons:

1-  It displays the most recent counsel from the brethren

2-  It will have your family searching through the talks looking for the quote they want to make

3-  If this becomes a tradition – they will listen to General Conference looking for their favorite quotes for this project

You could have them write the quote in their own hand writing, or print it out.

I downloaded this font from here:

Also print off a picture of the Apostle or General Authority who said the quote.

If you want this particular quote – here is a PDF of it:

Eyring Family Quote

Then highlight your favorite parts of the quote.  Or don’t.  You could just leave it blank.

Then cut them out

Then have your family draw or find a picture that illustrates what the quote is about

Color it and cut it out

And pull out your fun colored and/or patterned papers

Take each picture and glue it on to some colored paper.  I used cardstock for sturdiness.

I threw in a little patterned paper too.

This is my left over piece from a YW’s project.  We were making decorations for Young Women’s in Excellence.  We used this paper as a pattern and made big flowers that were like these.   I thought I would add one of these in to my quote.

They are super easy.  You just draw an imperfect flower.  See?  Easy.

Cut it out and trace another one just slightly larger

Then just layer whatever shapes and colors your heart desires and glue them all together

Add some glitter glue.  Glitter glue makes everything better.

Let it dry.  Or you will have a glitter glued home.

Now here is the magic ingredient that makes your quote multi-dimensional.  Cardboard.

Cut it up into small pieces

And put pieces all over the back of each part of your quote

Now take all of your pieces and play with how you want them to be arranged on a sheet of cardstock

Glue them on and trim around each part

And put it wherever you want it in your home.

I love the dimensions.

More ideas:

1-  You could put each family member’s quote up for 1 week and then switch

2-  You could plan Family Home Evening lessons around the quotes that your family chose

3-  You could make these for quotes for your YW or RS lessons



  1. I’ve got a couple of really nice frames I’ve been trying to find a use for, and you just gave me the answer! I’m going to find a couple of my favorite quotes, put together one of these amazing quote constructs you’ve come up with, put them in the frame, and hang them in our den. Then, each family home evening, we’ll all be able to read the quotes, and start FHE off right. Thanks again!

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