February Come Follow Me: The Plan of Salvation
February Young Women Lessons!
To find the Sunday School lessons, go HERE.
Also, all of the PDF pamphlets of General Conference talks for the February lessons are at the bottom of this post.
Here is the entire month of February’s teaching packages available in a combo package. It contains lesson material for all seven lessons – and is over 100 pages of useful study pages, display images, handouts, etc.! When you buy all of them in a package like this you get a huge discount! 🙂
These also make awesome Family Home Evenings!
You can see this combo package HERE.
What is the Plan of Salvation? In this package you can get an illustrated Plan of Salvation that depicts doctrines taught in True to the Faith. This is one of are all-time best-sellers. There are activities that work for young children and others that are great for youth and mission prep!
You can find this HERE.
Here is a package for the lesson, “What happened in the Premortal Life?” AWESOME lesson. You can find this HERE.
This is a teaching package for the lesson, “What is the Purpose of Life?” You can find it HERE.
This package is for the lesson “Why do the choices I make matter?” You can find it HERE. This also has a page that helps the YW pass off one of their value experiences.
“Why do we have Adversity?” I LOVE this lesson. And the handouts are so great! It comes with a drawing of the upcoming Provo temple. You can find this HERE.
“How can I find comfort when someone I care about dies?” This also make s a great Family Home Evening when it is especially needed. You can find this HERE.
And finally, I think this is my favorite lesson. “Why should I treat my body like a Temple?” The printables are so great! You can find this HERE.
And here are the PDFs of all of the pamphlets and resources for these lessons. You can kind of tell how I organize these by names, however, some talks are used in more than one lesson, so you may need to search for the talk you need a little bit.
Feb yw 1 a sure foundation bishop dean m davies
Feb yw 1 The Race of Life Monson
Feb yw 1 Plan of Savlation tttf
Feb yw 2 The Influence of Righteous Women Uchtdorf
Feb yw 3 of your happily ever after uchtdorf
Feb yw 3 of regrets and resolutions uchtdorf
Feb yw 4 Agency and Accountability ftsoy
Feb yw 4 Decisions for eternity nelson
Feb yw 4 Guardians of Virtue Dalton
Feb yw 4 Lamentations of of Jeremiah Beware of Bondage Cook
Feb yw 4 The 3Rs of Choice Monson
Feb yw 5 trial of your faith neil l andersen
Feb yw 5 mountains to climb eyring
Feb yw 5 I will not fail thee nor forsake thee monson
Feb yw 5 Claim the Blessings of Your Covenants Linda S. Reeves
Feb yw 6 Because I live ye shall live also shayne m bowen
Feb yw 6 Mrs Patton the story continues monson
Feb yw 6 Doors of Death Nelson
Feb yw 7 great shall be the peace of thy children hinckley
Feb yw 7 Ye are the temple of god bednar
Phew! Good luck everyone! If you have any questions, email us at [email protected] 🙂
This simply is amazing! Thanks for all your hard work and for making the pdf’s of the talks available like you do! I don’t teach the youth but have LOVED working and studying in the Come Follow Me book you have and love putting in the talks and really studying them!
If the February SS package is anything like the YW’s it will be a great resource for next year. Too late for this February however. 🙁
Thank you so much for the teaching packets! The time and effort are appreciated. I purchased “What is the Purpose of Life” packet and noticed a couple of typos. Beatitudes is misspelled on the Beatitude activity page. On the same page in the paragraph preceding the chart there is an extra y on line 5. Again I do appreciate these marvelous packets and understand how typos get by the best editors. Beth
Thanks Beth! I fixed that – thank you for the heads up! It should be correct in your account. Thank you!!! 🙂
Thank you for the talk printables!