3 Quizzes for the Articles of Faith- The Red Headed Hostess
Here are 3 quizzes that are good introductions to the Articles of Faith.
I used these with my cute primary kids (ages 9 and 10) and it went great! I put them into groups of 3 and had them take one at a time.
The first quiz is an introduction to the Articles of Faith. They will have to guess and reason through some of these which is fun to listen to.
After they took the first quiz we went through the answers together and I kept a tally of their points (correct answers) on the board.
The second quiz is about the Articles of Faith themselves – so they have to use their scriptures for these. There is one question for each Article of Faith. It was fun to see them digging for the answers together. The thing I liked about this is that it wasn’t intimidating for them but rather they were having fun as they searched in the scriptures for the answers. I knew that they were saying words they didn’t know or understand but they were trying to figure it out.
And this last quiz is a fill in the blank. There is one blank in each Article of Faith and they have to insert the correct words from the options at the top. I didn’t let them use their scriptures for this one since I wanted them to think through what would belong in each line. They all did great on this and got all of them right.
Family Home Evening Idea
If you are using this for Family Home Evening, you could do incentivize by having treats for each correct answer. Like – put a bowl of m&ms out for the first round, gummy bears for the 2nd and Milk Duds for the 3rd.
These are great for my Primary 5 class on the articles of faith lesson. Thank-you.
Thank you so much for these Article of Faith quizzes. Great timing for my Primary class on Sunday!
Thank you so much! I will definitely be using these for Family Home Evening!
You are wonderful!
Just came across these after all this time!
This year there is an emphasis on the Articles of Faith in the Friend magazine, including tips to memorize them. Our primary has encouraged this and I just had the thought “Hey, maybe this quiz could be a great 5th Sunday lesson!” because the Sharing Time Outline’s only provide ideas/material for 4 weeks.
Thanks for sharing your talents, Shannon!!