Book of Genesis Page Titles- The Red Headed Hostess
Here are some page title meant to be written at the top of each page in your book of Genesis!
These help in
1- Finding scriptures you are looking for quickly
2- Giving a quick overview of the page so everything can be understood in context
3- Picking up on themes and patterns more easily
Here is the Genesis PDF: Page Titles
That’s a very cool idea, thanks for sharing.
I appreciate you sharing on your blog more than I can tell you. It has helped me and my family so much. Using your scripture “marking” techniques has really brought the scriptures alive for me and helped me to feel closer to Christ.
I have 2 children still at home who are teenagers and your FHE’s are FUN for them. They are engaged during family night…Thank You! The last one you posted on the Family Proclamation…just cutting it apart and putting it together was a blast and led to converstation we would not have had before.
Thank you for heeding the cousel of the prophet and using technology to spread the word of Christ.
Thank you for all your hard work and for sharing it with us!
Amazing as ever, Shannon!
THese are AWESOME! I just was called as a Seminary teacher this year, and since the study is the OT, this is SO helpful! Thank you! I am new here {was just referred to by a friend} and will definitely be looking around more.
You are keeping me really busy, do you know that? 😉
Thank you soooo much for sharing. I’m also looking forward to your Sunday School lesson preparations. It helps me be better prepared for Sunday School as well as FHE lessons. Thank you so much. I get a lot more out of Sunday School now, the back ground that you give really helps me get to the next level. Keep sharing….and again thank you. YOU ARE AMAZING!!!
Thank you for sharing this! I have loved all your other scripture marking posts. I am a brand new seminary teacher for early morning seminary and so I really appreciate the Old Testament help!
Thank you!
I love these. Do you happen to have page titles for Exodus?
Thank you so much! I’ve finished page titles for the Book of Mormon and am starting on the Old Testament. I have a Scripture Journal and am LOVING doing more than just reading the scriptures each day. You have touched my life.
Thank you for sharing this! I love to journal and to write down prayers and take notes when I do bible studies. I really like the idea of doing title pages and plan on doing this as I go through studying 🙂 I don’t use the book of mormon because I am a Christian but this has opened my eyes to a new way of study that I feel will be spiritually uplifting and beneficial. There aren’t very many good journaling techniques for scriptures for Christians either and I found yours very refreshing. I am planning on adapting to those as well. Thanks again for sharing! 🙂
Will you complete the set of page titles for the old and New Testament? I hope so. They are fantastic. Thank you for your amazing site.