A Talk That Changed Me… and Humpty Dumpty

a very wise mother suggested a talk to me that I must read. I am so grateful to her for doing this. I have read this talk over and over, and pondered it, and internalized it. It is a talk about the Atonement and the power of the Atonement and how the Atonement isn’t just for sinners – it is for those that want to be better, stronger, more like Christ.
This talk has been a blessing in my life and has made my list of talks I give out all of the time. Please read it – the doctrine it teaches is critical.
Here is the talk, it is by Elder David A. Bednar (just click on this link): In the Strength of the Lord Bednar
And on a lighter note –
One day, while preparing a lesson on the Fall and the need for an Atonement for my Relief Society – this old, widely known, childhood poem started going through my head:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
And I thought, “what a stupid poem”, I mean – that’s it?
He falls and that’s it? And we tell our children that, and kiss them goodnight right after we sang to them about how we rock-a-byed the baby when the baby fell, cradle and all. Sheesh – what is with these sad and gruesome tales?
So, I decided to finish the poem – make it happier:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
But then, Humpty got up and looked good as new
His shell was all shiny and he didn’t use glue
He looked at the horses and all the King’s men
And said, “I don’t need you to put me together again!”
But then… he did realize that something was amiss
His outsides were fine, but his insides were all mixed
All scrambled, all churned, like an omelet he felt
So he began to plead to all the King’s helps
But they all declined with their heads bowed down low,
“We haven’t what it takes to heal such a blow,
In fact we are each in the same state as you”
Said all the King’s men, and his horses cried, “Us too!”
“There is no man here that can fix this great sting,
But the man up the hill can, we call him our King,
So go up the hill now, He’s waiting for you
As he waited for us to heal up this few.”
“But there are some things of you he’ll require,
Your heart and your sould, and all your desires.
You see, we have learned this, so the past years we’ve been
All the King’s horses, and all the King’s men.
See? Happier!
Here are some teaching ideas and the pamphlets for the March Come Follow Me young men and young women lessons!
You can find all of the pamphlets at the end of the post. 🙂

What is the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
This is a fantastic introductory lesson for the entire month. AND it is a great lesson for Easter. One thing you can see in the package above, is we used the symbol of the olive tree. This is something I often do when teaching about this topic. Years and years ago I read an article by Truman G. Madsen called, “The Allegory of the Olive Tree – The Olive Press: A Symbol of Christ” – you can find it HERE. That was such a powerful talk for me and gives such a reverent perspective of the Atonement, using the olive press as a symbol. I suggest you take a look at that talk and see if it gives you any teaching ideas. There is also an a version that was put into the Ensign, you can find that HERE.
Another talk I would recommend, is the classic talk by Bruce R. McConkie called, “The Purifying Power of Gethsemane“. This talk is often called “The Final Testimony” because he passed away a couple of weeks after this talk was given. In fact, you should watch some of the videos available (you can find it on You Tube). You would never know how sick he was. What a man he was.
Teaching about this topic always feels like a heavy assignment to me. I never feel like I can do the topic proper justice. So that is why I would recommend looking up some talks like that, it gives a fresh, new perspective and helps put you in the place to receive inspiration.
If you are interested in the teaching package above, you can find it HERE.
Or you can find a combo pack of the March lessons HERE.
What does it mean to have faith in Jesus Christ?
THIS is one of my favorite topics to teach about. And in fact, in this package I included some of the visuals I always use to teach about faith.
One of my favorite quotes about faith is this one:
“Each child in each generation chooses faith or disbelief. Faith is not an inheritance; it is a choice” (President Henry B. Eyring, (“Inquire of the Lord” [remarks at an evening with Elder Neal A. Maxwell, Feb. 2, 2001]).
I would probably write that on the board and talk about it at the beginning of the lesson. The scriptures are full of examples of this quote. And then I would continually refer back to that quote throughout all of the learning activities.
Another, really great follow up with that quote is this one, also by President Eyring. It is a rather alarming quote, and I was there in this meeting when he gave it. It was at a CES meeting in 2001 and I remember wondering what he meant – but now I can look back and see how prophetic it was.
You can find it HERE.
I also want to add that the definition for “Faith” in the Bible Dictionary is really good. You could take it line-by-line and have some great conversations about it.
If you are interested in the above teaching package you can find it HERE.
Or you can find a combo pack of the March lessons HERE.
How can repentance help me every day?
One of my favorite quote on repentance is this one by President Boyd K. Packer:
“I readily confess that I would find no peace, neither happiness nor safety, in a world without repentance. I do not know what I should do if there were no way for me to erase my mistakes. The agony would be more than I could bear.”
One thing I always to try to really enforce when I teach about repentance is that it is an amazing thing to have! Through the years I noticed that whenever I taught about this topic, heads would go down and my students would stop making eye contact. This topic would often bring on feelings of guilt and they would be uncomfortable – it was as though they viewed repentance as a bad thing because it meant they did something wrong. So I would always try to teach (with much clarity) that in order to become a saint, you learn to love and embrace repentance. Repentance is a beautiful thing! That is what the Celestial Kingdom will be full of – people who understood and embraced repentance! They will be ultimate realists – when they saw un-Christlike behavior, they changed it!
I wrote an article about this awhile back, you can find it HERE.
I think this is an important principle to teach at the beginning of the lesson, because then, the rest of the lesson can be viewed as great information and tools to help them become increasingly Christ-like every day. Otherwise, they may view it as something they hope they don’t have to use, because they don’t have a full understanding of repentance.
If you are interested in the teaching package for this, you can find it HERE.
Or you can find a combo pack of the March lessons HERE.
I LOVE this lesson. I have to admit that “grace” is a topic I couldn’t fully wrap my mind around until I found Elder Bednar’s talk, In the Strength of the Lord (the pamphlet is at the end of the lesson). I originally read the BYU devotional talk, and since then he gave a shorter version in General Conference. The General Conference version is the one cited in the lesson, but I have also included the BYU devotional version in the pamphlets below – although it was too long to put in a pamphlet format.
When we made this teaching package I gave you options for both talks (the General Conference version or the BYU devotional version). In the BYU one he had time to give some really amazing and impactful examples and stories that have, personally, made a huge impact on my life. So, in the package we gave you some illustrations to use as you teach those stories as well as an illustrated note page to study the talk with. There are questions with a picture and then you would search the talk to find the answer to that question.
I have no other teaching suggestions for “grace” other than that talk by Elder Bednar. It is all you need. All scriptures you look up after that will make much more sense once you have studied that talk.
If you are interested in the teaching package on grace, you can find it HERE
Or you can find a combo pack of six March lessons HERE.
Why do I need to forgive others?
I LOVE, love, love this lesson. This lesson centers around the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant. There is a really great study sheet included that helps you go through, and discuss, each verse of this parable. We have given you tips here and there as well in order to grasp the important principles and have a really great discussion as you study together.
This parable is about a servant who owed the king 10,000 talents, and another man who owed that same servant 100 pence. The 10,000 talents is meant to be an impossible number to repay, while the 100 pence is very repayable. We have given you visuals that can help those you are teaching grasp the difference between these two debts, and therefore understand the principles meant to be applied to our lives in this parable.
You can find this package HERE.
Or it is part of the March combo package which you can find HERE.
I love this lesson, and it is especially good to give this time of year as we approach Easter.
I don’t think we can underestimate the importance of teaching this topic. I have always been impressed that when Alma was counseling his wayward son Corianton, this is the doctrine he chose to talk to him about (Alma 40-41). Alma wanted to leave an impression on Corianton of the true and everlasting consequences of his sins. He didn’t say you shouldn’t be doing this or that because statistically this or that may happen to you…. he simply taught about the resurrection, and the finality of it. It is a pretty powerful thing to contemplate.
Those chapters always remind me of President Boyd K. Packer’s quote: ” True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior. Preoccupation with unworthy behavior can lead to unworthy behavior. That is why we stress so forcefully the study of the doctrines of the gospel.” (Little Children, October 1986 General Conference).
This lesson teaches a lot of doctrine which I think is great – not only because it teaches doctrine, but it helps those you are teaching feel more and more capable of finding answers like this on their own.
If you are interested in this teaching package you can find it HERE. One thing that is part of this package is a study sheet that is very detailed with questions about the resurrection with a scripture to find the answer with – so those you are teaching will be digging and finding the answers.
Or you can find a combo pack of six March lessons HERE.
How can the Atonement help me during my trials?
We have done something really different with this teaching tool. I was looking at this lesson and it occurred to me that this is a great lesson to actually make something that everyone can take home and then pull out when needed.
So we have created a booklet filled with scriptures and pages to write down quotes about the power of the Atonement during difficult times.
Four booklet pages fit on one 8 1/2 x 11 paper and there are 20 total booklet pages (so 5 pieces of paper per person). Just cut them out, punch a hole in the corner and attach with a string or a binder ring. Then spend the entire class preparing your booklets for difficult times. Spread out the suggested general conference talks, other talks you may find, books, etc. and let everyone find great quotes to write in their books. Divide up the scriptures and look for definitions and insights into why that scripture is so powerful. Then let everyone share what they find as everyone fills up their books with quotes, insights, etc.
This could also make a really great youth activity or family home evening.
You can find this booklet HERE.
Note: We have created a new lesson help for “How Can the Savior Help Me During My Trials?” You can find that lesson help HERE.
And here are all of the PDF files for the pamphlet formats of the General Conference talks. You will need to print them back-to-back and then fold it over. When you open the files the “front” page of the pamphlet will be in the lower right corner. This is correct and will fold over correctly once you print it back-to-back.
In most printers, in order to print back-to-back, you will print one side and then lay the paper back into the paper tray JUST AS IT CAME OUT. So you do not turn it in any way.
yw lesson 1 He is Risen Monson
yw lesson 1 Is Faith in the Atonement Burton
yw lesson 2 In Tune with Music of Faith Q.Cook
yw lesson 2 By Faith Things Are Fulfilled M. Nash
yw lesson 3 Repent That I May Heal You Andersen
yw lesson 4 In the Strength of the Lord Bednar
yw lesson 4 In the Strength of the Lord BYU DEVOTIONAL VERSION Bednar (not a pamphlet)
yw lesson 5 forgiveness hinckley
yw lesson 5 the merciful obtain mercy uchtdorf
yw lesson 6 He is Risen Monson
yw lesson 6 Mrs. Patton – the story continues Monson
yw lesson 7 personal peace the reward of righteousness cook
yw lesson 7 The Atonement and the Journey of Mortality
I LOVE your blog it is so useful and full of exciting ideas so THANK YOU so much for sharing.
I had one question I love your glue-ins I was wondering if I could get the reference about angels
from Elder Holland. We are going through a tough time and this is perfect. THANKS
Hi Dianne! I think this is the talk you wanted the reference from: http://lds.org/general-conference/2008/10/the-ministry-of-angels?lang=eng
Elder Holland has such a wonderful way of explaining and teaching. I really hope it helps!
Thanks! that was the correct reference… LOVE LOVE LOVE your glue-ins do you have any other ones on your blog?
Dianne Young
I discovered your blog this past General Conference weekend as I was searching for something for my kids to focus on during conference. I stumbled upon a gem! I spent the next few days devouring your various posts, and spent time downloading some of your favorite talks, scripture marking, scripture journaling, etc. This talk was one that I had printed and then set aside to read. Later, when I was preparing my talk on the Atonement for Easter, I rediscovered it, and it was perfect. The timing was amazing, and the things that I learned and shared while preparing my talk were profound. Thank you.
I can’t open the talk by Elder Bednar.
I just found your blog and I’m so inspired to take my scripture study to a higher level. Thank You. I also appreciate your finishing to Humpty Dumpty. I no longer hate that poem!
I just found your blog and LOVE it – thank you for the time you put into it.
I am a former seminary teacher (who desperately misses it) but I now have 3 special needs kids who need me more. I have to comment on Humpty Dumpty because right now sitting on my large white board are several different gospel lessons that could be taught using Humpty Dumpty. My 2-year-old insists on hearing that rhyme nonstop day after day and just last week I started to think that it begs the question “so who can put Humpty Dumpty back together?” I LOVE that you finished the rhyme – my oldest will get a kick out of it.
I also thought of an analogy between Humpty Dumpty and a fallen world –
and not so spiritually a link between Humpty Dumpty and a major life change (or mid-life crisis). I see many who have a child with autism, learning disorder, Down Syndrome who have chosen to let it break them and their families. But when our whole world is so-called “broken,” we have the choice to adopt new principles and beliefs and it is only us (with the Lord’s help) who can make the choice to pick ourselves up, brush off the dust, and become stronger.
Thanks again!
Elder Bednar is my favorite speaker! This talk from him, on the atonement, was was life changing for me as well. I use it every time I teach the atonement.
Thanks so much for getting this out early for our March preparations! The link won’t seem to work, but here’s one I found (for some reason I have a hard time navigating lds.org- always have! It’s a bit confusing.
Also, does anyone have a great study handout for the month of March (a general Atonement scripture study worksheet)?
oops here’s the link
Oh, I LOVE what you did with this! You are so wonderful.
When you originally sent this post out, I expanded your poem a little because I loved your idea so much. Here’s how it came out:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
But then he got up, and he looked good as new.
His shell was intact, and he didn’t need glue.
He told the King’s men in a voice that was gruff,
“I don’t NEED any help–I’m together enough!”
As Humpty walked off, he perceived as he as he ambled,
His OUTSIDES were fine, but his INSIDES felt scrambled!
“Oh, no! I’m a wreck!” Humpty cried with a yelp,
Now pleading to all the King’s men for their help.
But the men all declined with their heads bowing low,
“We confess we don’t KNOW how to heal such a blow.
In fact, we are each in the same state as you.”
The King’s horses neighed, calling out, “We are, too!”
“There is nobody here who can heal you inside.
You must go see our King,” his men anxiously cried.
“He invites all to come and be healed by his power.
We’re going there now, so come with us, this hour!
He’ll ask for your soul and he’ll want your heart too.
And then, he’ll make everything BETTER than new!
We’ve seen our King do this again and again.
That’s why all these years, we’ve been all the King’s men.
Well, Humpty believed them, and went there that night.
And thanks to the King, felt EGGSTREMELY all right!
Love this!!!! Thank you for sharing!!!! And for making it even better!!! 🙂
That is also a talk that I really enjoyed. I often have students turn to the bible dictionary definition of grace….what a wonderful truth!!
This is also another talk by Elder Bednar about the atonement that has changed me for the better.
Elder Bednar gave a wonderful speech about this several years ago at BYU covering this topic:
What a wonderful reminder for today, THANKS!
Here is the link to the talk you are referring to…
Thank you for sharing that poem! I love that. It should be a book.
I can’t find where to purchase your Humpty Dumpty picture and story. This is perfect for my lesson! Thank you for your site. You inspire me!