A Great Website for Gospel Study- The Red Headed Hostess
In case you haven’t discovered this website yet,
I would love to share with you one of my favorite websites
This website has all sorts of goodies on it. It may do you good to get on it and click around for awhile just to see everything it offers.
I really do think it is a brilliant website, and whoever is behind it all…
I would like to tell them that they have great vision!
So here is how I tend to use this website…
And by the way, for those seminary teachers out there who have asked me for some advice on ways you can prepare over the summer…
Here are some tools for ya…
I use this page above quite often.
They have all sorts of Talks archived that you can read or listen to. Women’s Conferences, BYU Devotionals, Education Week, Family Expo… some pretty talented speakers are there waiting for your listening ears.
Above I searched “Bytheway” for John Bytheway, because he knows how to say things to teenagers, and I like to observe and learn from such talent.
Now… here is a real treat:
BYU TV Talks and Discussions
There is quite and array of programs that you can watch right online. Women’s Conferences, Scripture Discussions, Forums…
Above is the page for discussions on the Old Testament
What you have are groupings of Gospel scholars sitting around a table discussing the scriptures! You get to be a fly on the wall – – – and you will take all sorts of notes and push pause constantly as you try and keep up.
This is a GREAT way to prepare for next year if you are teaching seimnary…
Or there are also discussions on the New Testament if you are a Sunday School Instructor…
Or you could use them for family scripture study…
Or Family Home Evening… (there are tons of shows you could watch together)
And we could all use the site for our personal scripture study!
My advice is to read the scriptures on your own before you listen along with the discussions.
OK… hope you get lots from this website – – I know I definitely have!
I love scriptures.byu.edu. You can search any verse of scripture and it will tell you all the general conference talks that have used that scripture. There’s also an app for it. :o)
I have never heard of it, so thank you. I will be tuning in and checking it out.
I’ll add my amen to the talks and shows at the byu site. I always turn to them for insight and help. They’re awesome!
I also love byub.org!! I enjoy the Mormon Channel (both to stream television programming or listen to the radio) and byu radio.