What Do We Know About the Nature of the Godhead?
Here are a couple of my study pages from the Come Follow Me adult study guide for the lesson, “What do we know about the nature of the Godhead?“
When I taught seminary, this was one of my favorite lessons to teach about – and in fact, I wrote an article about this last year when this lesson came up one year ago. You can read about it HERE. There are also some REALLY good quotes in that article – some you will definitely want to use if you are teaching or studying this lesson. In fact, I plan on doing articles about the different study pages, but as I was studying I realized that article already says everything I would say – so that was nice.
However, I do have some free printouts for you!
Each lesson references several talks and I like to have my favorite ones right on those study pages – so I like to print them off in a pamphlet format. So I have done that for you.
In a pamphlet format they can fit easily into the study pages – as you can see above.
I just tape it in to place.
It is hard to see – so I drew a line where the tape ends. You want the tape to ALMOST go to the end and the overlapped tape along the fold of the pamphlet to fit as closely to the binding as possible.
Since you ALMOST went to the end, you don’t tape it down on the ends, so the pamphlet will still open and fold over easily.
Now it is ready for me to mark up and write my own notes in it.
These pamphlets are also good for the mutual journals!
Here are the PDFs – remember they are pamphlets so they need to be printed back-to-back. Also, when you view the file it will look kind of weird because the front page will actually be in the bottom right corner. This is how it should be – when it is all printed everything will be right.
Oh – and I also numbered each paragraph. This makes for easy referencing in class.
In These Three I Believe (Hinckley)
The Only True God and Jesus Christ Whom He Hath Sent (Holland)
Gaining a Testimony of God the Father; His Son, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Ghost (Hales)
And HERE is our teaching package for this lesson!
I REALLY recommend this one because it has visuals to help you teach about the Nicene Creed, which I believe is really important to understand.
Again, you can find it HERE.
We also have this package of visuals that goes directly with the doctrine in True to the Faith. Cut everything out and then lay out the triangle, put each member of the Godhead on each corner, and then discuss each picture (they represent their roles and responsibilities), what it represents and which member of the Godhead it is talking of. If it is all of them, put it in the center, if it is a specific member, put it by their picture. Just have everyone study “Godhead”, “God the Father”, “Jesus Christ” and the “Holy Ghost” in True to the Faith you will be able to figure each picture.
HERE is a individual size version
HERE is a display size version
I love your study helps. Thanks for sharing
I love how you put the talks in pamphlet form. Not only will I save paper 🙂 But my study journal will have everything I need right there with it. Thanks so much, you are truly amazig!
You’re amazing! I use all your stuff all the time and I rarely say thank you but truly, thank you, thank you! I know this is a lot of work for you to do but you’re helping so many people! Thanks again!
THANK YOU!!!! You truly are inspired!!!
I love the format of the newer book. It is making study so much easier for me. Thanks for these wonderful pamphlets and for all of your wonderful helps for learning the gospel.