Mosiah 17-18 Marking and Journal Guide
Here is a scripture marking guide for Mosiah 17 and 18
These marking guides are meant to help you see some new ways of marking your scriptures! 🙂
My goal is for you to use these and learn some new techniques that you can use in all of your scripture studies!
I am also including some ways you can fill in your scripture journals as you are studying!
There are ideas like this one to help you fill in your CHAPTERS journal.
And ideas like this to fill in your TOPICS journal.
* I am also including a PDF of the fonts above for you to use in your journals.
Here is the Mosiah 17-18 Marking Guide:
And here are the fonts:
This is amazing! Thanks for the motivation and inspiration!! Just a quick question – on the PDF file you have :
Write things like this:
There isn’t anything there on my PDF file but a blue line? And the same with other parts on the PDF. Is this just me? Just checking!
Thank you so much!! Love these!
I have the same problem as Sara…….. 🙁
Is anyone else having this problem? I have checked on different computers and my phone, and I’m not having this issue.
I have NO idea why it is not working for some of you!
Jennifer and Sara – is it just that one spot on the PDF, or is it everywhere I used bullets?
-Shannon 🙂
I’ve just finished reading Mosiah and so much more educated and enlightened that ever before. You’ve really helped me to learn how to see reading/studying my scriptures in such a different light, I no longer see it as “oh yeah here we go again”–I’ve been able to see the scriptures in a totally different light. I’m discovering different little trinkets of truth that I’ve never seen before due to the new way that I’m studying–thank you for the inspiration and insights.
i’m having the same problem… it’s in multiple spots. i’m on a mac if that makes a difference. it happens w a few things you have posted, esp quote pages!
it looks to be that font, or the sizing… whatever you are doing in those spots. they are all the same.
it is happening at point #2,3, 5, 16 (the scripture reference).
bullet points on #8.
#16 “like christ”
#20 the definitions
hope that gives you some ideas of what might be going on.
Thanks so much! I just clicked on the link and it came up and printed just fine for me! (I use windows computer and my browser is google chrome).
Thanks for all your hard work.
Thank you so much I’m so excited to study and learn more effectively. I am having the same problem.
Thanks for all you do, I love your marking guides it helps me to look beyond what is there and dig deeper. Your are amazing thank you again for all you do.
Opened it just fine when I used my PC laptop. Doesn’t work on my MAC though. ALl your past files have opened on my mac just fine though. This is the only one that hasn’t….. Weird!
Anywho – got it now! THANKS so much for sharing your amazing thoughts and inspirations with us! You have a true gift for sharing the gospel in a way that others can truly understand!
Love these, thank you!
I’m getting the blue line and blanks too. 🙁
Thank you so much for Moroni 17 and 18 marking guide. I was wondering if you have a marking guide for 2 Nephi 12-33. Also will you have available marking guides for the entire Book of Mormon. They help me so much in studying the scriptures. You are amazing and I love your website. Thank you for sharing your special talent with all of us.
I’m the first Jennifer that posted and it printed out perfectly for me. 🙂
I’m on a mac also. (second Jennifer) 🙂 I’ll try it on my pc. 🙂
Jennifer (second one) tried it on my pc, worked great!!! Maybe it’s a mac thing? (I don’t have windows software on my mac….) Whatever the problem, it works on a pc. You are amazing!!! Thank you so much for these! I can’t begin to tell you how much you have inspired me in my scripture study! 🙂
Hi Shannon! I’m in the same situation as several others. I’ve got many blue bars in places you’ve indicated to write different things. I’m on an iPad, perhaps it’s this is an iOS issue. I have truly loved all your helps. It helps mr to understand the scriptures better so that I am more prepared teaching Youth Sunday School. Thank you greatly!
I am also having issues with the printing – anywhere the light blue is does not print with the document – thank you though for the wonderful, inspiring journal / scripture study helps –
I have a mac and it all opened up fine for me. Thanks so much Shannon. You are amazing, and I hope everything is going well for you. Have you had your op yet? If so I really hope you are resting up and taking it easy. You have to take care of yourself, so then you will be able to take care of your precious little girl.
Take care,
Thank you for the marking guide! I am so thankful you have shared this:)
I am having the same problem. I have a Mac and it did open fine, but I am not getting anything that was typed it blue. I was able to write it in on the first page by looking at the document shown within your blog post though. Would it be possible to post the other pages?
I love these by the way, such a big help to me getting the “bigger picture” so that I can then get more meaning out of the principles being taught.
I have spent a whole day going through your site. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge in such an awesome way. I realize I am pretty much computer illiterate but I am wondering: Do you have a place to sign up where I can automatically receive your new posts? Also is there a way to go to your first post? I am so excited to begin studying following your guides. I was raised in a non member family and am late studying the scriptures with real intent. You are an answer to prayer. Thank you.
Thank you so much for these guides. I’m learning to ‘study’ in a way I’d never considered before.
Your ideas are great, thank you for your guides. You are so inspired.