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Journal Quotes Week 8- The Red Headed Hostess
This is part of a series of quotes made for you so you can cut them

Make-Your-Own General Conference Review Game
Here is a little idea that you could use to review conference with your family or

General Conference Note Packet- The Red Headed Hostess
A lot of you have asked me: How do I use my scripture journal and take

General Conference Trivia Game- The Red Headed Hostess
Here is a fun way to prepare your family or class for General Conference! There are

Journal Quotes Week 7- The Red Headed Hostess
This is part of a series of quotes made for you so you can cut them

Scripture Study Tip: Sectionalizing- The Red Headed Hostess
Sectionalizing is something I love to do in my scriptures! It really helps me to dissect

Proclamation to the Family Craft- The Red Headed Hostess
Here is a fun little craft you can do with the words found in the Proclamation

Scripture Puzzle (a Scripture Learning Tool)
This year there is a SUPER LONG Scripture Mastery Scripture It is 5 verses long! Here

Scripture Stickers for Doctrine and Covenants Scripture Mastery
Here are some stickers for all 100 scripture mastery scriptures you can put in your personal

Journal Quotes Week 6
This is part of a series of quotes made for you so you can cut them

Fun Family Activity Recipe Cards
So I was thinking… Women are always sharing recipes for food… why don’t we share family

YUMMY Chicken Salad Sandwich- The Red Headed Hostess
This is one of those crowd pleasing recipes that you can make for all sorts of

Journal Quotes Week 5
This is part of a series of quotes made for you so you can cut them

Family Unity Handout (goes with YW lesson #9)
This handout is meant to help us dive deeper into how we act at home to

Journal Quotes Week 4- The Red Headed Hostess
This is part of a series of quotes made for you so you can cut them

YW Value Scripture Stickers- The Red Headed Hostess
This is a page of stickers meant to put in your scriptures! This set is mainly

Eternal Families – YW Lesson 8
Here is a handout you could use to teach the doctrine of eternal families. It is

How to Make a Talk Into a Pamphlet
This is to follow up with the last post about finding doctrines and principles as you

Scripture Study Tip: Finding Doctrines and Principles
This is something I do when I really want to dive into a scripture story. I

Journal Quotes Week 3
This is part of a series of quotes made for you so you can cut them

Our Purpose in Life- The Red Headed Hostess
Here is a handout for lesson #7 which is “Our Purpose in Life”. This is meant

Scripture Journal Tip: Topic Blitz
I wasn’t sure what to call this… so I called it a blitz… and all out

To: The Love of my Life- The Red Headed Hostess
Sonnet CXVI Let me not to the marriage of true mindsAdmit impediments. Love is not

Journal Quotes Week 2- The Red Headed Hostess
This is part of a series of quotes made for you so you can cut them

DIY Valentine’s Day Roses- The Red Headed Hostess
Just in case you want to try something a little different with the roses you may

Journal Quotes Week 1- The Red Headed Hostess
This is the first week of journal quotes! Each week I am going to post some

Scripture Study Tip: Use Sticky Notes
I love using sticky notes in my scriptures. My scriptures are fat because of them. I

Look no Further… Chocolate Chip Cookie Bliss
Chocolate Chip Cookie Bliss Since some of you may have family over this weekend…And since some

Creating a Spiritual Environment in Our Home (yw lesson 5 handout)
Years ago I went to a remote village in the mountaintops of Guatemala known as Senahu.

Doctrine and Covenants 76 Game- The Red Headed Hostess
This is such a fun game to play with your family! Its called “Scriptureanoids” and here

Our Sunday Roast
Sundays are definitely a family day and it is pretty rare that my husband and I

Scripture Marking for Doctrine and Covenants 76
I love Doctrine and Covenants 76. It is in my top “must know” sections in the