Nine Fun Father’s Day Ideas- The Red Headed Hostess
Here are some fun Father’s Day ideas…
1. Sticky Note Love
- Have your kids write things they love about their dad on sticky notes. Put them up all over the house, in his pockets, car, etc…
2. Daddy Photos
- Dress up your kids in their dad’s clothes. Take them outside and take pictures of them. Print your favorite ones and frame them for his desk at home or work.
3. Daddy Books
- Have your children each make a picture book about their dad. Each page can have a sentence about him along with an illustration. Things like:
- My dad is always ________________
- I like it when me and dad _________________
- When I grow up I want to be ______________ like my dad
- My dad is really good at ________________
Staple them together and have them make a cover page and come up with a fun title.
4. Me and Dad… Our History
- Same as the idea above – but instead have it just about this past year. That way you could make a new book every year and it is a little family history. For example:
- Last summer Dad and I ________________
- Dad always helps me with my homework in ________________
- Its really important to Dad that I _________________
- One of the best things Dad and I have done this year is ______________
- Every night Dad and I _________________
- Last Christmas I gave Dad _______________
5. Our Treasures (hunt) With Dad
- Send him on a treasure hunt around the house and yard. Each clue could be something about him and that location written by different family members. For example:
- We built this together last summer. – Tim
- This is where we like to sit and talk. -Mom
- This is where you picked me up when I fell on my bike. -Sara
6. Driveway Love
- Have your kids write things they like about their Dad all over the driveway so that everyone in the neighborhood can read them
7. Father’s Day Sign
- Have your kids make a Happy Father’s Day sign similar to this Happy Birthday sign. Here is the lettering: happy fathers day sign
8. Paper Bag Mystery
Have everyone find one item that reminds them of Dad in some significant way and have them all put it in one large paper bag. Have Dad reach in, and before pulling it out, try and guess what it is and who put it in there. Then after he pulls it out then the person who put it in can tell why they chose that item and what it means to them.
9. Pictionary
Play Pictionary with memories of Dad. So divide into 2 teams, then each team has to write 10 to 20 memories of Dad. Like: When Dad and Tim mowed Mr. Smith’s lawn when he had surgery. Then the other team has to draw them as you play pictionary. So each team has 1 minute to try and draw as many as they can until the next team gets to to. The first team to draw and guess them all first, wins.
Thinking of Fathers Day… I just had to say…My husband requested ‘Your’ Pork Baby Back Ribs for Father’s Day this year! They were a big hit and looks like the are now ‘Tradition’!! Heading out to grab a couple of bottles of ‘Devil’s Spit’! We’re all looking forward to dinner tomorow! Thank You! ThankYou!