The Easter Holiday Sticks Part 2- The Red Headed Hostess
This is part 2 to this project. Part 1 is found here.
We’ve already learned how to make the wooden bunnies. And now we are going to learn how to make the easter egg pillow thingies for the Easter Holiday Sticks.
First, you need white felt sheets and an easter egg cookie cutter
Cut out a bunch of felt eggs
And then pull out your bright colored fabrics an cut out a bunch of shapes
And turn on your favorite movie
What is fun about this project is that each egg can be so different. You can really tap into your creative easter skills.
Lay out the shapes and plan out how this egg is going to be for the rest of his life.
Then stitch him together
Here he is with some of his new friends
To make the pillow, take another felt egg and stitch them together. Leave a space in the bottom so you can stuff the filling in. Then stitch closed leaving a little space in the bottom for the stick.
Then hot glue the stick into place
Its better to put the hot glue in the hole and then put the stick in. Otherwise the stick may get stuck on the outside of the hole as you try and put him in.
Then introduce them to the bunnies.
To make the “Happy Easter” egg, look here, and follow those principles. Hope you enjoy these Easter Holiday Sticks!