Taking Memorable Family Pictures- The Red Headed Hostess
I used to have a film camera. Used to. I remember when I got it – it was a Christmas present from my mom. We went into a camera store and the clerk helped us narrow down the perfect camera for me – and among them were some digital cameras. But the technology wasn’t up to par yet – so I opted for a lovely SLR (this just means you can change the lenses – its not a point and shoot) film camera with a few lenses. I hauled that thing all around this blessed globe. And now, several repairs later – I have been fully converted to my digital SLR – and I will never go back.
I just love that I don’t have to budget in a couple hundred dollars to my travel expenses in order to see where I just was.
I love that I don’t have to pay for 35 photos I don’t want for that 1 photo that I do want.
And I love that I can take guilt free pictures.
I can click – click – click – all I want.
So you know what that means? We are much more likely to give our posterity nice photos to remember us by. Not a bunch of mishaps that were caught on film forever more.