Free – Printable Challenge from President Nelson to Youth


On June 3, 2018 President and Sister Nelson will be giving a worldwide youth broadcast.  In preparation for this broadcast, President Nelson released this video inviting the youth to attend and prepare themselves by:

1-  Reading the Book of Mormon every day.

2-  Praying to have the Lord prepare their hearts and minds to hear what He is eager to teach them.

We have made this printable for you to give to your youth to help them keep this challenge.  The link is below.

There are two designs included, a simple one and another with a few more embellishments and colors.  Just choose the one that will fit the tastes of the youth you are giving it to.  The one with the floral embellishments was designed to go with this May Come Follow Me lesson.

To make, simply print onto white card stock and fold in half  along  the dotted line to make a tent.  Encourage the youth to keep it on their nightstand or desk as a daily reminder, and to mark off each day as they fulfill the challenges.

Here is the free PDF (click on this link)

(The free version of Adobe Reader is required to open and print this file.)

A few tips to help make this successful:

  • Read together as a family every day
  • Encourage the youth to share something they read each day on social media
  • Encourage the youth to make sure their friends know about the challenge
  • Pair up youth with a friend or youth in their ward to text each other every day and hold each other accountable


We just made this free booklet that you can give each young woman.  It is eight pages, but designed to be printed back-to-back onto four standard pieces of paper.

The first interior page contains the challenge which is to read the Book of Mormon FOR 30 days (not the entire Book of Mormon IN 30 days).  The goal is to be IN the book, learning, drinking, and preparing their hearts and minds.  In fact we suggest that you do not challenge the youth to read the entire Book of Mormon in 30 days since it is the end of the school year and that would be a heavy load to ask of them right now.

Also included on the first interior page is a list of some amazing chapters in the Book of Mormon, a quick overview, and a question they could consider while reading.  Some youth will want to read consecutive chapters, while others may want to read various places throughout the Book.  This list can point them to some amazing chapters.

The bulk of this booklet contains a box for each day from May 6th to June 3rd.  Encourage the youth to write about what they are learning as they study in these boxes.

The last page is a note page for the worldwide broadcast.

*Note:  We always send our items to a professional proofer.  This, however, was quickly put together late on Friday night to be ready for youth on Sunday, May 6th.  We just had the idea and had to hurry and put it together!  If you find a mistake, kindly email us and we will fix it and upload a correct version.


(The free version of Adobe Reader is required to open and print this file.)

If you are looking for some meaningful Book of Mormon study helps, the items below are some of our most popular products.

Book of Mormon Study Guides

Book of Mormon Page Titles

Book of Mormon Study Squares

Book of Mormon Doctrinal Mastery Cards


  1. Red-Headed Hostess
    The calendar looks very cool for President Nelson’s challenge but it looks like you skipped May 5 on your calendar and May 1st was actually a Tuesday.

    1. I fixed that last night – thank you for letting me know. You can just click on it for the right version now. I typically send all of our things to our proofer, but I didn’t with this one. Lesson learned! 🙂

  2. Thank you SO MUCH for providing this valuable resource. My husband and I are excited to do this challenge with our new beehive. It was very kind of you to make and give it for free. Thanks for sharing your time and talents with us!!!

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