Apostasy and Restoration – LDS April Young Men and Young Women Lessons

LDS Apostasy and Restoration – April Young Men and Young Women Lessons
April Come Follow Me - Free social media images for each of the Young Women lessons. Such a great way to prepare the youth before the lesson, or remind them after!

Introducing FREE social media images for all five lessons.  You can see all social media images for all of the April Young Women and Young Men lessons below.  Just click on the links:

Why is the First Vision important?

How was the Priesthood restored?

What was Joseph Smith’s role in the restoration?

Why was a restoration necessary?

Why do we need the Book of Mormon?

Here is what we have for you this month!

Why do we need the Book of Mormon? This awesome printable book just lays it out so clearly. Kids and adults will learn tons!

First, we have a printable book titled, “The History of the Bible, and Why the World Needed the Book of Mormon”.

This insightful book teaches you about the earliest manuscripts, original languages, translators, reformers, King James, and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon.

You can find this book HERE.


Why was a restoration necessary?

This illustrated teaching package teaches all about the Apostasy and significant events of the Restoration.

This package also comes with note pages with pictures all over it.  So you can dig through True to the Faith and compare each picture to the different doctrines and principles taught and write down what each picture represents.
You can find this package HERE.

This package is also available in our April combo package  HERE.



How to explain the Apostasy and Restoration to Others - Object lesson and handout

Also, check out this article by Anthony Sweat titled: How to Explain the Apostasy and Restoration to Others.

Here is a pamphlet with the suggested talk in this lesson:yw lesson 1 Preparations for Restoration & Second Coming R. Hales



 Why do we need the Book of Mormon?

This teaching package is packed with amazing teaching aids to help those you are teaching really grasp the importance of the Book of Mormon.  I especially love the activity where you look for restored doctrines, and the hashtag activity.

You can find this package HERE.

This package is also available in our April combo package  HERE.


 Also, check out this awesome article by John Hilton III

5 ideas for teaching Why We Need the Book of Mormon

Also, this Flip Book teaches about the importance, role and need of the Book of Mormon. In fact, the subtitle is “and Why the World Needed the Book of Mormon”

History of the Bible and Why the World Needed the Book of Mormon by Shannon Foster - you can print this book off! Everything is explained so clearly.

You can read more about this book HERE.  There is also a note sheet available with this book so those that are reading it can answer questions as they study the book.


Here are the pamphlets for this lesson:



How was the priesthood restored?

This lesson is actually a learning activity/game.  It has 27 trivia cards that lay out the importance and events of the restoration of the priesthood.  It is really fun and educational.  Many of the trivia cards involve challenges that help you learn a lot!

Also, a lot of the trivia cards contain “teaching moments” where you can pause to discuss or teach things on a deeper level.  You will love these moments!

You can find this package HERE.

This package is also available in our April combo package  HERE.


These are some GREAT quotes AND QUESTIONS about the Restoration of the Priesthood!! Great teaching tools too!

Check out this article with 6 great quotes and questions about the Restoration of the Priesthood.  You could easily weave these quotes into the game – you can find it HERE.

Here is the pamphlet for this lesson:


What was Joseph Smith’s role in the Restoration?

This is a really great teaching package that teaches the important role Joseph Smith played in the restoration.  It comes with great learning activities to help those you are teaching learn for themselves.

You can find this package (and a lot more pictures) HERE.

It is also available in the April combo package HERE.



Why is the First Vision important?

This is an AMAZING teaching package!  This package is a detailed marking guide along with illustrated scripture sheets.  You and those you are teaching will learn so much!  Along with amazing insights into the First Vision, you can learn a lot of new marking techniques that can be applied to daily scripture study.

This package comes with a seven page marking guide filled with tips, definitions, things to mark, discussion/writing questions and quotes.

We suggest you set out a variety of pens and markers and just go through this guide with those you are teaching.  You will have some GREAT discussions!

You can find this package HERE.

It is also available in our combo package HERE.

Three ideas to teach about Joseph Smith and The First Vision! Ideas for all ages!

Check out this article with 3 Ideas to Teach the First Vision HERE.

Here is the pamphlet for this lesson:

yw lesson 5 Fruits of First Vision D. Uchtdorf



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