Keeping Christmas “Time” by Connie Sokol
Simplify & Savor the Season Part III:
Keeping Christmas “Time”
(You can find Part 1 HERE, and Part 2 HERE)
A few years ago I attended the General Relief Society Women’s Conference with a few other religiously inclined women. Up front we had been advised to be in our seats by 6:30 p.m. or we wouldn’t be able to attend. With the event an hour away, we religious women wanted to be on time—it wouldn’t do to show up late or not be permitted in at all—and made sure that the carpool arrived right on time.
Except for one woman—there is always one in the crowd, after all. Right from the start, she seemed oblivious of the vital seat advisory, much to the dismay of the rest of us type A’s. After she delayed the carpool at her house by half an hour (and no explanation!), we chose to forego enjoying dinner that evening and instead, with ticking minutes to spare, hurriedly entered a nearby food court and each ordered a pizza slice to go. This, with the intention that everyone would, of course, eat it on the go.
However, this sweet but tardy gal chose to order a pasta dish and then sat down to eat it. After exchanging discreet but distressed looks between our watches and each other, most of us sensibly edged toward the food court street door as a sure signal for her to move it along. Not a few were becoming frustrated at her obvious disregard for our seating urgency.
And then, an incredible thing happened. Right at the apex of our watch-checking, one of the lesser type A ladies kindly said, “It’s okay. I’ll stay with her.”
That person was not me.
Relieved to be freed from the hold up, the rest of us hurried on, like so many busy ants, to attend our religious meeting.
I can honestly say that I felt a few tugs at my heart, pulling me to this kind woman and her loving example, and to the teaching of the moment. But I’m embarrassed to say that I punctually deferred these heart tugs until later because we had to be in our seats by 6:30 p.m.
Practically power walking in our Sunday dresses, we finally arrived at the conference hall, out of breath and just in time, but only to find out that you could indeed be seated after 6:30 p.m.
There we stood, each of us feeling appropriately guilty, until the other two ladies arrived, both with a clear conscience (one from lack of awareness and the other from doing the right thing).
In this hurried holiday time, I invite you and me to remember that a kind service is the right thing to do, even if we fear it will—perish the thought—make us late. In the end, I do believe we will be right on time. The kind of time that matters.
Congratulations to last week’s winner of the Holiday Gift Set, Natalie O.!
This week’s FUN FREEBIE is our “5 for $25” deal. Get 5 books for only $5 each, available in Simplify & Savor the Season (organize and re-energize your holidays), or 40 Days with the Savior (daily devotional book on character traits of the Savior). Enjoy!
Perfect gifts for friends, family, and neighbors. Each purchase enters you in our Holiday Gift Book Set drawing. And partial proceeds aredonated to the Utah Food Bank. Limited time!
40 Days:
Thanks for posting these Shannon! I’ve read all three and each had some wonderful thoughts to ponder. It is easy to “rush about” …especially during this time of year and forget what is really most important…the gospel and our relationships with others! Two things we can actually take with us when we leave this experience! 🙂