What are the Keys of the Priesthood? June Come Follow Me
What are the Keys of the Priesthood? June Come Follow Me
This June “Come Follow Me” teaching package helps you teach your LDS young women, young men, and family to answer the question, “WHAT ARE THE KEYS OF THE PRIESTHOOD?”. We really FILL our packages with activities and study pages that help those you are teaching study and discover for themselves. We try to give you more than you need so you can customize a lesson to fit those you are teaching. In fact, we give you so much you will have a hard time deciding what NOT to use!
This package is also available in our June combo package available HERE.
Included in this lesson are the following:
LESSON TOPIC PRINT : This page can be displayed throughout th e lesson to help those you are teaching reflect upon the question and lesson topic.
DISPLAY / DISCUSSION PRINTS: These prints will help you explain and discuss what priesthood keys are (teaching suggestions included).
TRUE TO THE FAITH STUDY SHEET: Give this study sheet to each person and have them answer the questions using the description for “Priesthood” in True to the Faith.
HANDOUT/PRINT: This handout/print contains D&C 122:1-2 and comes in 3 different sizes
SCRIPTURE DISCUSSION: Print and cut these scripture strips into individual scriptures and put on the board. Have those you are teaching write everything they learn about Priesthood Keys under each strip.
PRIESTHOOD HOLDERS IN MY LIFE: Have fun filling in this sheet with all of the appropriate names. This sheet can help increase appreciation for those that hold Priesthood Keys.
JOURNAL STICKERS AND PAGES: For those that use class journals, we have provided printable stickers! Just print them onto sticker sheets or full size labels sheets and have those you are teaching stick them into their journals and take notes around them.
TEACHING SUGGESTIONS: This package comes with detailed suggestions for how to use each page we provide for you.
You can find this book HERE.
This is also avalible in our June combo package found HERE.
This month we have some free social media images for you! All of them match the teaching package too.
What are the Keys of the Priesthood? June Come Follow MeThese can be used in any of the following ways:
- Post on social media to your youth to help get them more prepared, excited, and thinking about the lesson.
- Use their answers in your lesson (they will be more likely to respond to future social media questions if you do this).
- Ask them to post the question on their personal social media accounts and gather answers themselves (plus they are sharing the Gospel online!).
- Text or email the picture to your youth and tell them that you are gathering answers for your lesson and ask them to respond.
- Use as a follow-up to your lesson. Post the images that will help reinforce what they learned in class.
- Use to help involve and teach young women who were not at the lesson on Sunday.
- You can encourage the young women to comment and participate on social media by telling them that every time they comment you will enter their name into a drawing, and then you will draw out one name and they will get a treat.
- Right click on picture, save to your computer or phone.
- Email it to yourself if you need to transfer the image from your computer to your phone. Then open on your phone and save the images to your phone.
- Post on social media.
Here are some pictures you can choose from:
What are the Keys of the Priesthood? June Come Follow Me
This would be a good image to share before your lesson. You could say something like, “Hey! Can you UNSCRAMBLE the words in the blanks? Leave your answers in the comments!”
(Answers: delegate, temples, missions, released)
What are the Keys of the Priesthood? June Come Follow Me
Here is another one with fill-in-the-blanks. Answers: Apostles, Church
What are the Keys of the Priesthood? June Come Follow Me
This is another one that you could post before the lesson. You could say something like, “I am really excited about our lesson this Sunday! Can you take a second and answer this question? Don’t worry about if you think your answers are right or wrong – I really want to know what you know already and what I need to make sure to help you learn. If you don’t know – answer “I don’t know!” So please don’t be shy!”
What are the Keys of the Priesthood? June Come Follow Me
This is a great follow-up for your lesson. You could ask something like, “Why do you think it is important to understand the truths taught in this quote?”
What are the Keys of the Priesthood? June Come Follow Me
Another great follow-up to your lesson. You could ask them this question, “What are two ways your personal life been impacted because there are Priesthood keys on the earth?”