Why is it important to listen to and follow living prophets? May Come Follow Me
Why is it important to listen to and follow living prophets? May Come Follow Me Young Women lesson helps.
- You can find our teaching package here: Why is it important to listen to and follow living prophets?
- It is also included in our MAY combo package of six lessons here: MAY combo: Prophets and Revelation
This is such an important question for youth to be able to answer for themselves! We have given you time-tested material designed to help those you are teaching really dive in and learn about this topic.
Included in our printable teaching package Why is it important to listen to and follow living prophets? , are the following:
LESSON TOPIC PRINT: This page can be displayed throughout th?e lesson to help those you are teaching reflect upon the question and lesson topic.
ENOCH ILLUSTRATION AND STUDY GUIDE: This study guide has questions you can answer as you study each verse about the calling of Enoch as a prophet. The questions are designed to bring many teaching and learning moments and a great discussion.
PROPHET ANALOGIES: These 3 powerful analogies help teach about why we need prophets and the blessings they bring to us.
LEARNING ACTIVITIES: Included are three learning activities that are fun and effective. They help those you are teaching study scriptures, True to the Faith and the latest General Conference talks.
HANDOUTS / PRINTS: These darling, illustrated handouts come in two different sizes to fit your needs.
JOURNAL STICKERS: If you keep class journals, you can print these tickers onto sticker paper (or full size label sheets), cut out, and do many of the learning activities directly in their journals! The stickers include some of the learning activities, small versions of the handouts, the analogies, and the lesson print.
TEACHING SUGGESTIONS: This package comes with detailed suggestions for how to use each page we provide for you.
To see all six MAY Come Follow Me lesson packages go here: MAY Prophets and Revelation.
This month we have some free social media images for you! All of them match the teaching package too.
These can be used in any of the following ways:
- Post on social media to your youth to help get them more prepared, excited, and thinking about the lesson.
- Use their answers in your lesson (they will be more likely to respond to future social media questions if you do this).
- Ask them to post the question on their personal social media accounts and gather answers themselves (plus they are sharing the Gospel online!).
- Text or email the picture to your youth and tell them that you are gathering answers for your lesson and ask them to respond.
- Use as a follow-up to your lesson. Post the images that will help reinforce what they learned in class.
- Use to help involve and teach young women who were not at the lesson on Sunday.
- You can encourage the young women to comment and participate on social media by telling them that every time they comment you will enter their name into a drawing, and then you will draw out one name and they will get a treat.
- Right click on picture, save to your computer or phone.
- Email it to yourself if you need to transfer the image from your computer to your phone. Then open on your phone and save the images to your phone.
- Post on social media.
Here are some pictures you can choose from:
Why is it important to listen to and follow living prophets? May Come Follow Me Young Women lesson helps.
This is a great image to post before your lesson. See if the youth can guess the topic from these two clues! You could say something like: “Can you guess what we are learning about on Sunday? Here are two clues! Leave your guesses in the comments!”
Why is it important to listen to and follow living prophets? May Come Follow Me Young Women lesson helps.
This is something that is a part of our teaching package Why is it important to listen to and follow living prophets? so this could be a good post to share before the lesson. See what answers they come up with and then you could read what they left in the comments during your lesson.
Why is it important to listen to and follow living prophets? May Come Follow Me Young Women lesson helps.
This is also a part of our teaching package Why is it important to listen to and follow living prophets?. This is a really powerful way to teach about prophets! See what answers they come up with before you teach about it (teaching suggestions and study sheet are included in our teaching package), and then share their answers – some of them will likely be really funny.
Why is it important to listen to and follow living prophets? May Come Follow Me Young Women lesson helps.
This could be posted before and/or after your lesson. Just ask them to finish the sentence.
Why is it important to listen to and follow living prophets? May Come Follow Me Young Women lesson helps.
This is a great follow up to your lesson. You could say something like, “Together we learned how important it is to listen to and follow the living prophets. Can you name them all? Everyone leave one name in the comments. You can’t use a name that someone else has already included – lets see if we can get all 15!”
Why is it important to listen to and follow living prophets? May Come Follow Me Young Women lesson helps.
This is a fantastic follow up quote to your lesson. You could say something like, “THIS is why we listen to and follow living prophets. They really do keep us safe and we can always trust them! Can you share one of your favorite quotes from last General Conference with everyone? Lets fill the comments with amazing quotes!”
After purchasing the May ‘Come Follow Me’ download for Sunday School, I noticed the page with the first names of the Apostles is incorrect. Has it been updated somewhere with the first names of the current 12? I know there is a page without the names, but I’d sure like to have a current ‘named’ one.
Hi Judy!
I know that was supposed to be updated so I will check with my team to make sure that has happened. If not, it will be in the next hour or so and will automatically be updated to your account. Thank you so much for the heads up!
I checked with my team and it was updated, so all you need to do is re-log in to your account and download it again. 🙂