Book of Mormon Scripture Mastery Cards- The Red Headed Hostess

Phew! Β These have been a labor of love! πŸ™‚

We worked REALLY hard to make these the best Book of Mormon doctrinal mastery cards and really effective teaching tools for you and your students or family.

Each picture wasΒ carefully thought through, designed, and re-designed for maximum effectiveness.

As you give these Book of Mormon doctrinal mastery cards to your kids or students, have them look up the scripture and explain each picture (the pictures are not just about the key phrase, but also the meaning in the entire scripture). Β We really feel that these are our best ever!

And look how easy they are to make!

You just:

  • Print the PDF
  • Fold it over down the center
  • Glue the insides together
  • Cut out the cards!
  • (We suggest you laminate them for long-term use)

* Β And if you are going to make an entire classroom set – that is a lot of cutting! Β So I used to have my students help me and they were thrilled to do it!

* Β I think these would be awesome for parents to hang up (on their fridge or something) and change them out every week. Β They could be your scripture of the week for 25 weeks!

Click HERE to purchase.

We also have physical flashcards that will mail to you HERE.


If you are printing off multiple sets (like one for each kid, or a classroom set) then definitely do this: Label each set. So have an “A” set, a “B” set, etc. So you will want to put an “A” in the corner of each card. That way when you find a lone card you will know exactly which pile to put it back in.

You could also number them, so your “A set” would have an “A1”, an “A2”, up to 25. I used to tell my seminary students, “take out cards 6 – 15 today and we are going to do and activity”. Then you can control the difficulty of certain activities as they are in the beginning stages of learning them.


  1. I can’t wait to get mine! I keep looking at all of the pictures and am amazed that I know exactly what scripture they are about – these really are awesome! Tell everyone who helped you with these Thank You!

  2. Thank you! And thank you for the discount!

    I love everything I have ever gotten from you! Especially those study packets!

  3. I used these last year and they were fantastic I didn’t think they could get any better but these are awesome!!!!

    Thank you! And thank you for always improving what you are doing! You keep giving us better and better things. It makes such a difference when we are teaching our youth!

  4. I love the display size! I am totally going to do what you said and hang them up in my home – a different one every week. I think we are going to use them for our weekly theme and have all our other scripture study revolve around that scripture mastery.

    Thank you!

  5. I agree with Nina! I have been following you for a long time and your stuff keeps getting better and better. I can totally tell that you have a great vision and we really appreciate how your efforts, risks, and time really effect my home and what my children are learning. And me! I learn so much!!!


  6. I love these. Thank you so much. I’m having one problem. The scripture picture for 2 Nephi 9:28-29 only has a green line and not the word “Learning”. Is that an error or just an issue I’m having?

    1. Hi Christine!
      Sometimes fonts act weird on different computers so we have changed that and it should be updated in your account. We changed it in everyone’s account so no one has that issue. Thanks for the heads up! πŸ™‚


  7. Thank you again. I will definitely use these with my students. I had emailed a month or two ago about updated scripture mastery stickers. I thought you said that we would see these soon. I find these invaluable. Are they still in the works? I really would appreciate them!! Seminary starts soon. Thank you!!!

  8. I love these! I want to use them in the morning before my children head off into the “real” world. I downloaded my file but I don’t have the 8.5×11 prints. Am I missing a file? Help! πŸ˜‰

  9. I want to buy this but there is no way to add it to my cart. Am I missing something? Please let me know what to do to purchase. Thank you.

  10. They look great! It would have been a lot less work to print them onto business cards – front and back and then they just pull apart! I love everything you do to help the youth of the church!

  11. In addition to the flashcards, I also print a set that’s one sided and the kids use them to play memory, matching the key words with the reference.

  12. I just saw the announcement that they have changed the scripture mastery verses…are these the new ones or the old ones?

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