Teacher / FHE packets- The Red Headed Hostess
I have received an awesome response about our new project – and I am so grateful! I can’t wait to get more feedback from those of you who have contacts in those parts of the world.
Right now I am working on the topic of “Family” and have some great quotes and teaching ideas for that. But I am not done yet and wanted to show you a new product we are testing out.
These are Teacher / FHE packs. So along with the pamphlet, comes display helps, a coloring page and handouts for the lesson. It is an all-inclusive packet!
And look at those vintage looking labels. Ashley is such an awesome designer! Those would make awesome stickers or labels. Wouldn’t they be awesome on a tag or something?
This package is designed to go directly with “Why is Family Important“, youth curriculum lesson.
And here is a teacher tip: I think this curriculum is amazing! I have been studying along with it (even though I teach Gospel Doctrine and am not in the youth classes) and they are having impact in my personal life. I really think these are great outlines for Family Home Evenings and family scripture study! These packets are designed to help anyone teach it, but you do NOT need the packet to study and teach these critical doctrines- they are just meant to be helps.
You can get this package HERE.
Ok! Just a little update 🙂
Have a great day!