Enjoy a More Christ-Centered Easter by Connie Sokol


I am just THRILLED to have Connie with us!

I have been listening to her wise advice on Studio 5 (a local program here), and I am so happy that you will all get to hear it as well!

Connie Sokol is a mother of seven, a local and national presenter, and a contributor on KSL TV’s morning show “Studio 5.” She is a regular blogger for KSL’s “Motherhood Matters,” former radio host for Bonneville Communications and columnist for Deseret News and Utah Valley Magazine. Mrs. Sokol is the author of several books including Create a Powerful Life Plan, Life is Too Short for One Hair Color Collection, Motherhood Matters, Faithful, Fit & Fabulous, and the award-nominated romance Caribbean Crossroads. Mrs. Sokol marinates in time spent with her family and eating decadent treats. For blog posts, podcasts, products and more, visit www.conniesokol.com.

Connie has so much to share, and since she just came out with a book called 40 Days With the Savior, her first articles will be about this.  And at the end of the post, you will find a GREAT deal to get this book for yourself – and her proceeds will go to help a needy family – so for SURE check it out!


Enjoy a More Christ Centered Easter

By Connie Sokol

A friend of mine who manages a bakery shared that the employees had recently worked grueling hours to bake an extra 800 plus loaves in a week. The extra money went to help a wonderful but needy family. The parents have ten children, the father had lost his job, and now recently, through a terrible tragedy, one of their sons had passed on.

In the midst of this Easter season, I think it appropriate to share this post and join their efforts to also help this family. While on the earth, Jesus Christ went about doing good, to everyone. And though I don’t manage a bakery, I write. So to do my little bit of good, and encourage more of the same, I’m including an excerpt below of my Easter daily devotional book, 40 Days with the Savior. The ebook is on sale this week at $1.99 for this fundraiser and all profits go to this good family. You receive a daily spiritual boost, and this family receives needed financial aid.

Loving, lifting, and serving are at the heart of not only helping others be happier, but inadvertently increasing our own happiness. We all see daily needs around us and do our part to help. I’m grateful to know of this particular need, and to have this venue to hopefully aid in filling it. Especially during this tender season, and not just this opportunity, I’m grateful for the heightened awareness to go about “doing good.”


Luke 18: 35, 38-43


“And it came to pass, that as he was come nigh unto Jericho, a certain blind man sat by the way side begging: And he cried, saying, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me.

And they which went before rebuked him, that he should hold his peace: but he cried so much the more, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me.

And Jesus stood, and commanded him to be brought unto him: and when he was come near, he asked him, Saying, What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee? And he said, Lord, that I may receive my sight. And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight: thy faith have saved thee. And immediately he received his sight.:


I’m impressed with how the Savior takes time for this man. Jesus isn’t hurrying down a list of errands or running to a meeting. Instead, He is sitting still and hears the cry for help. After hearing it, He doesn’t ignore the man or schedule an appointment for later. Jesus simply stands, asks him to come close, and speaks with him. They converse and connect, and ultimately the man is healed.

How often are we running through our day, literally and figuratively, only to miss the people we could have influenced? Moving a little slower might make us more open to those who need our love and encouragement, and likely won’t interrupt the to-do list after all. I often find that when I remember to go about life more slowly and consciously, my to dos are either completed quicker or more conveniently.

At one point I was finishing a book with an imminent deadline. Generally, my golden typing time was during my baby’s naps but he caught the flu and for several days was fussy, crying, and up all night. Day after day, I was inches from my laptop but unable to be productive. Then one morning it hit me—my son needed me, and that was the most important use of my time. That was being productive. Rather than be frustrated at the situation, I gave in freely to his needs. One particular day I did nothing but cuddle and feed him, both of us wrapped in warm blankets, going in and out of naps while the snow drifted outside.

What a keeper moment that was, and is. That’s what mattered most—taking time to simply love and nurture my baby.

How can I spend more meaningful time with someone today?


Connie has lots of amazing books out and you can check them out here.


But this is one that you need to check out because it is the perfect time of year for it!  You’ll experience a more fulfilling Easter season with these positive and inspiring devotionals on the Savior. For forty days, enjoy a daily scripture and personal insight on a character trait of Jesus Christ, and how it applies to everyday living. Learn more of who He was, what He taught, and how it can bless your life.

Purchase 40 Days with the Savior on sale for only $1.99 this week only, AND receive a FREE 30-minute download on “Holy Habits”. This collection of 5-minute inspirational and motivational segments gives you key ways to create a more spiritual base in busy daily life. All profits go to a needy family of 10 children who recently lost a son through tragic circumstances (see the post on KSL’s “Motherhood Matters”). Email [email protected] for the FREE link.”


  1. Is there any way to buy this book outside of Kindle? Kindle won’t sell this title to me because I’m in Canada.

  2. I love this. Thank you for sharing! I especially loved the reminder to ” to go about life more slowly and consciously”. I needed that today!

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