Scripture Study Poll- The Red Headed Hostess
I am doing a little research….
Would you mind taking a moment and taking the poll below?
For awhile now, I have been receiving a lot of emails from women who are struggling to find the time and energy to study their scriptures, and I would like to see what some typical responses are.
And if you are one who struggles… PLEASE take the poll!
I hope to get real and actual results… not skewed ones because those who have the goal to pep up their scripture study don’t want to answer anything but the ideal answer.
I will freely and openly admit that since I have retired from teaching seminary and become a mommy, finding the time and energy is not easy! Â I am trying to figure this all out too.
The results of these will help me know which topics to focus on.  So, the more people that participate, the better! 🙂
And PLEASE don’t feel bad or guilty if you wish your answers were different! That is called LIFE.
I am not going to take your survey because as a seminary teacher….I HAVE to study or I won’t fulfill my calling as it needs to be done…and I don’t want to skew the results…
but I am excited to see your results. I know that while I had young children it was a HUGE challenge to study with any consistency. What I found most helpful was to study with what ever my calling was. For example if I was a Primary teacher, I studied the suggested scriptures that went along with the lesson…. usually that was only a few minutes a day- but I was studying. If I was in the primary presidency I studied the theme for the month scriptures…this was a huge blessing because you never know when you will need to fill in last minute. When I was a chorister I studied the scriptures that go with the music we were to sing that week… I loved to teach the meaning of the verses we were learning not just the words….I still think of the scripture stories I shared as I taught a song- hopefully the children I taught do too. In other callings I study along with the Sunday school and read the RS or YW lesson for the week and the scriptures that go with them…I have found that as I have been diligent…even a few minutes a day it has helped me be prepared to give testimony at a moment’s notice with the little day to day things that come up….that is a true blessing….and makes it easier….hopefully that helps. Thankyou for everything you do on this blog.
I think I am finally getting my personal scripture study down. Our children are very young (four and three) so we have our family scripture time down too. We currently study the illustrated scripture stories with them (using the scripture story “videos” from the church website and discussing it afterwards) and it works great for teaching them the stories. Our family’s biggest struggle right now is figuring out the best way to do husband and wife scripture study. If we just read together, we don’t feel like we get very much out of it. If we use a commentary book we seem to get more out of it, but the scripture study time seems to either take too long or take forever for us to just get through one chapter. It is also really hard to coordinate our schedules. We would love some insight on how to make companion scripture study work!
It’s a little embarrassing to have taken the poll. I’m retired, my children grown with children of their own. Yet I do not feel that I have ever really learned an effective way to study, make sense of, remember, and connect together the things taught in the scriptures.
I grew up in an inactive home with very little example of scripture reading or daily prayer, or fasting. That’s been my excuse, and I’m sticking to it!
Now, here’s part of my embarrassment: I have taught Gospel Doctrine and had a lot of positive feedback on lessons I’ve presented. I’m sure there are some ward members who think I’m related to Bruce R. McConkie. But that only serves to reinforce my feelings that a lot of us struggle to make scripture study effective.
It is a challenge to make consistent time for study because I don’t feel I’m being effective. It is a challenge to find my personal method of study that helps me make the most of my reading. I frequently feel that I should try a different way – I’m not understanding yet. I know when I look at methods used successfully by others that I should be looking to enhance my own methods rather than trying to completely parrot what someone else does. I also realize that no one else is going to give me the knowledge; it will be mine only when I put the effort and commitment into study.
What needs to happen to feel successful and therefore enthusiastic about consistent scripture study?
My answers would have been far different prior to finding your blog over 2 years ago. It opened my world of scripture study and my thirst for the “mysteries of the kingdom” cannot be quenched. Thank you Shannon!
I agree with kseg – my answers would also been different, except that I bought your scripture study books – chapters and topics, which have made studying a joy. I still don’t do it as often as I need and should, but I have improved a great deal. I am a grandma, working full time, and the YW President right now, so I am very busy and do find it difficult to find the time to quietly study without waking up early and I hate waking up early! But at the same time, when I DO get up early and study, I LOVE IT!
I have struggled with scripture study forever! I still have problems motivating my self. Honestly, and I’m not just saying this for your benefit, when I came upon your website my studying changed completely. After reading alot of your posts on scripture study I bought a scripture journal and started using it. I can’t tell you the difference it has made! It’s slow going because I’m really studying and thinking. I’ve read the Book of Mormon many times. At first I felt guilty that I wasn’t reading as fast as I thought I should, but when I realized what I’m learning and retaining I was amazed. I can take me an hour to read just one chapter and I don’t feel quilty any more. Writing down what I’ve learned is a huge bonus. I finally see that it’s not a race to see how fast I can read the scriptures. It’s how much can I learn from them. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I started a few years ago with just making it a priority to read my scriptures for a few minutes at the same time every day. I found a chart that broke the Book of Mormon down into 365 equal parts and it only took 5-10 minutes per day. I did not worry about understanding or “studying”. I was just building a habit. I still learned a lot, just by putting in the time every single day. Last year I decided to add the study portion to my reading time. I got the Book of Mormon Made Easier books and have loved them. I have also started scripture journaling along with the YW lessons.
I think people often try to be perfect all at once, find it too difficult and give up. Starting slow and being kind and forgiving to myself if I missed a day or two, made sticking with it so much easier.
I agree with Maggie – I now have the time for more effective scripture study but I find that it’s simply not that way. I teach Sunday School every other week and love love teaching the youth and studying and preparing for them. But in between those times, I find myself lacking in my personal study. I have always loved the scriptures and love the spiritual high they have given me but for the past few years, I find myself trying to figure out WHAT to study and HOW to study to feel that passion for the scriptures again. I have started a scripture journal but it lacks also. There’s no order to it. I love it when I’m doing it but seldom refer back to it and find myself forgetting the passion I felt as the day or week moves on. I guess I just feel a little lack of direction for a study system that truly works for me, applies to my life and sticks with me….so that I look forward to my time in the scriptures. I find myself easily distracted. Which is best…to study by topic or to study by a daily reading schedule in order? And if by topic….how do I choose my topics? Help!! What’s the best way to become more effective, passionate and successful at my personal scripture study??
I’m glad to answer your poll questions and am looking forward to seeing what you come up with to support the various levels of need the poll results reflect. I taught early morning seminary for 7 years with a 2 year break in the middle and each time I was released I vowed to continue my very rewarding and life changing experience with daily scripture study only to disappoint myself profoundly. I begin to wonder if I would ever study at all if it weren’t for Church assignments.
I love what I learn when I study and I love how often the material I study is pertinent to the challenges I face on the very same day I study it, and yet I have never found a way to stay motivated for daily study without the pressure of a lesson to teach or a talk to give.
So thank you for the poll, and thank you for whatever you can share with me that will help me!
ok I must be retarded, I cannot see the survey. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong compared to everyone else, but I will still give my thoughts on this subject because it is deifinitely something I need help on!
I totally agree with Maggie’s comment. That is exactly how I feel. I have never really “studied” the scriptures. I don’t understand them and they bore me (I know….. shocking) because I don’t understand them. It makes me sad, because I know I should study them, but as soon as I start reading them, I get dis-interested because I don’t know what’s going on. It also doesn’t help that I have 2 children and feel like no time or energy to get to them.
We do read together as a family and talk about what is going on, but later on, I forget what we’ve just read. I know everyone has their own way of studying and also has different levels of brains/smarts, so to some it comes easier. I teach the beehives in YW, so I atleast read a few scriptures every week, but I would never feel comfortable teaching only about scriptures. I enjoy the lessons and conference talks and understand them, but would love to hear some suggestions from you and others of ideas for learning about the scriptures or getting their studying in!!
Thanks for your uplifting site and love for the scriptures. I’m glad I found this site and have been hoping it will give me the encouragement to get my act together!! =)
PS. I was one of the $10 gift card winners for your downloads, but have not yet recieved the code in an email yet. So either, there is more than 2 Stacey Pyne’s, I deleted the email as spam, or I just haven’t gotten it yet. Just thought I’d check, because I am so super excited to get some of the downloads for not just myself and family but for the YW as well!!
I also agree that finding your website has helped with my scripture study and even finding ways to teach my young children. I am grateful for that. One thing that wasn’t in the poll though and that I struggle with is studying with my husband or even finding ways to study with my husband and kids together because it seems that then the focus is only on the kids.
Thank heavens I have kids! That gets me out of bed early every morning (weekdays) to get them up for scripture reading. That is really what it is. They are tired and sleepy, but they are all so busy other times of the day. So we continue on. Our missionary has thanked us for doing it even though he slept through a lot of it because it showed that we thought it was important. So I guess they get that out of it. I wish I could make it more meaningful! I’m surprised that more people don’t try. We live in a wonderful place with many wonderful members of the church and most do not even do as much as we do. I feel like we get so many blessings and really looking back over the years (about 15) it hasn’t been a hard thing or a burden on me or our family!
My scripture study changed after attending Women’s Conference and listening to one speakers’ idea on how to study the Book of Mormon. She said she reads it for each of her grand-children the year before they turn twelve, with thoughts of that particular child in mind the whole time she is studying. I looked at my friend and both of us said , “We have to do this.”. That was 2 years ago. I studied the Book of Mormon with thoughts of my oldest son in mind and gave it to him when he was twelve. I am currently doing my second son’s Book of Mormon. I study it along with the church institute manual. I make all kinds of notes in the margins and have found some great transparent post it notes that I can write quotes from the prophets on and post on individual pages. (The transparent ones don’t bulk up the book.) I LOVE IT!!! It has been a life changing experience for me. I have never loved scripture study so much, until doing it this way. My husband even teases that when I’m done with all the kids’ (we have 4) that I need to do one for him. 🙂
I went on a mission and LOVED my scripture time. Embarassingly enough I do not think I have read the Book of Mormon ONCE since I have been home. Through many years of trial and having a child who is legally blind and has Cerebral palsy and many other challenges, I have found that there aren’t a log of up to date information and good things for people to have in their home with helping their disabled children. Other than them listening to things ( which what child actually has a attention span nor understanding of the scriptures) the last time a childrens or family simplified scripture was made was in 1974. That was before I was born. The pictures are outdated, the animated ones from the church website are scary and also still photos in video format. So outdated for a church that has done SO much technology wise. When being in contact with the church over the lack of resources, we basically go in circles and I am left, again, frustrated to the core. If you have any ideas I would be willing to share what I have and in turn share with the people I have been in contact with at the disabilities department.
Regarding this survey–great idea, Shannon–is there a way to “watch it grow” without having to make bogus entries? I’d like to follow the results.
I hope you will post the final outcome of this survey! I would love to see what the final numbers are.
It explains many things for me. I see that scripture study is so vital yet I also see that it is rarely done by most on a consistent basis.
And the results of this are very plain to see….
What a great chance for some self-reflection. Since I teach almost every week I do get at least three good study days in a week, but I really need to be doing it everyday. And it definitely didn’t feel good to click the “hardly ever” option on the question about family scripture time. My husband and I are both in leadership positions in our ward but, despite our oft repeated promises to be better, we just haven’t gotten into a habit of studying together. And we don’t have any kids so it’s not like we’re struggling to make everyone’s schedules work – there’s just two of us! I think we will talk about this tonight and make a plan. We have to keep trying until we find something that works!
You are making a difference with your website and your wonderful spirit. Would love more info on Jennifer’s post about the women’s conference talk and reading for the child!
I think I am going to make a poll of my own to give to my YW to assess their scripture study habits. I will relate it to their study of the new Come Follow Me stuff. Thanks for all you do! Your blog is so relevant and helpful and insightful. Thanks for getting a head start for us on the Atonement topic too in your recent posts.
I have the daily personal study down I feel. If this sounds right- I am addicted to it. I look forward to it and find so much strength from it. That being said, however- my kids are all in school and older and I can get it done- not so much when they were younger and unpredictable. It was hard. I remember becoming so desperate that I once resorted to hiding in my closet with a flashlight trying to read my scriptures so the preschoolers would not know I was awake. But as we know, they have a sixth sense and soon enough I would find little fingers poking under the door.
My problem now is with family scripture study with the teens. They are not interested, they know everything (of course!) and everything we try is stupid – even when we let them have the say of how and when it is done. Pretty frustrating…I have been trying to put much thought and prayer into it and not get any real answers right now. But I am not giving up..
I agree with Maggie’s first paragraph and with Robyn in that I find them boring because i have no idea what the use is and how they apply to me. Wish I lived by you and you could be my study partner,
Since getting married I have struggled with ‘finding’ time for scripture study. This problem multiplied as our family grew. I don’t want my kids to have the same struggle as I do so my husband and I carved out a time during the day (in the morning) for them to do their own personal scripture study. Now all it takes is for them to see mom or dad reading their scriptures to remind them.
As for my own personal study, I like to break it up. One day I might read a chapter of our upcoming family scripture reading so I am ready to discuss it with the family. The next I might study up on Gospel Doctrine or Relief Society lessons.
I’ve struggled with scripture study most of my life. I have learned to adapt to the many stages of life I go through when I may have more time than others to study. Sometimes I will choose a topic and then read all the scriptures on that topic or I read through the Bible Dictionary and learn about the many topics there. I recently viewed the “Messiah-The Lamb of God” dvd series and found myself taking LOTS of notes which I then transferred to my scriptures. While serving in the temple as an operator, I get time to read my scriptures. This year I have chosen to again read the Book of Mormon as well as study the Pearl of Great Price. I cherish the time I am there, feeling the spirit, and can concentrate better than at home. I try to use Monday nights to also read scriptures or doctrinal books. It is hard for me to do it every day so some days it may be reading a chapter in the scriptures or studying the gospel in other ways. Like finding your website and setting up a new way of categorizing topics and putting all my years of notes in one place. I think we should just try to do the best we can and remember “to everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.” As a young mother it was difficult to read my own scriptures but I read scripture stories to my children. Now that they are grown, I can adapt it to my lifestyle. Also carrying my IPOD with me gives me a chance to read them wherever I am.
Fifteen+ years ago I stumbled upon a Mormon chatroom in AOL. I spent all those years discussing and defending LDS doctrine. I came to know the Bible, especially the New Testament quite well and our basic doctrines found in the Bible. I realized that I didn’t have a good working knowledge of the Old testament although I had read many parts of it. The chatroom discussions led me to read the Old Testament beginning to end. That was about five years ago. I really go stuck on some of the books because they were rather long and difficult to understand, and boring. I finally finished Jeremiah but dread reading Lamentations! I did mark the scriptures and wrote notes in the margins but feel like I need to start over again. What motivated me in the first place was to find the times when God the Father was in the scriptures and when reference to Jehovah’s mission as the savior and redeemer were made and where. I found that when I really got into the story I read more than one chapter, yet when the story got bogged down I, too, slowed down and stopped reading for a long while! I do know that once I stopped reading it was difficult to start up again. I bought a journal to follow our suggestions and the closest I got was to number the pages. I may need to by the journals to really keep one.
Like many others, I found it easier to be consistent with scripture study with the thought of my callings in the back of my mind. A couple years ago, I got released from a stake calling that required me to prepare talks – and found that I missed that. Not giving talks, put preparing for them. Taking the idea from you, I got a notebook and began writing while reading the Book of Mormon. I note things that stand out to me or that I find interesting, sometimes I draw lots of pictures, and I love to add quotes I find on your blog or on or from church religion manuals. I type them up, print them out and glue them into my notebook. I haven’t bought one of your scripture or topics journals because I’m not sure if what I do would fit into your spaces and columns. I love my scripture notebooks! I love to look back on things, I use them to give spiritual thoughts, I use them in church classes (with my handy quotes already in there!). Thank you for blog, and for your encouragement of using scripture journals – that has made a huge difference in how I feel about studying the scriptures.
I did’t take the poll although I would love suggestions for family scripture study. We read as a family every night, but I feel we could make it more meaningful. We have an age span of 16-5. So that makes it tricky as well. After a year-and-a-half, we are almost done with the Book of Mormon, but wonder how much the kids have gotten out of it, other than the importance of doing it.
I didn’t take the poll because, thanks to you, I feel really good about my personal study. My top goal for the year was to make my scripture study more meaningful. Before there was no real meaning or study going on. I truly believe I was led to your site by the Spirit. I have never kept a scripture journal and I’m loving it!!! I could study my scriptures all day now. So thank you so much for your inspiration!
My husband is a full-time student AND a full-time employee. We have 5 children under the age of 12. He’s gone from sun-up to sun-down. So, it is my responsibility to read scriptures with our children everyday. I don’t mind at all…I feel it a privilege to listen to their understanding of the scriptures. For example: when we read about Nephi & his brothers “casting lots” to see who would go visit with the King, my children said, “Oh! Like rock,paper, scissors!” or when we read in Alma 2:12-13. I told them they are the “soldiers” preparing for war against Satan. I then asked them who the “captains” were in verse 13. They answered “Our Primary teachers!”. They then said my husband & I were the “higher captains” and the Prophet & apostles are like the “chief captains”.
It’s moments like these that keep me motivated in reading the scriptures with my children. We only get through 6 or 7 verses a night, but the spirit that is there makes it worth it!
I love in a household where I am the only active member. My husband is on disability and we live with our son and his family. They are not active and want nothing to do with the church, and my husband is not active, either. So I am faced with studying by myself. No one to discuss anything with or pray with or anything. Its really hard to get motivated, but my biggest problem is I get busy with everyday life and I forget! Then I’m so tired and can’t stay awake. I need some help with motivation and prioritization, I guess. And I used to love to mark my scriptures and that helped me learn a lot, but now I have arthritis (and had super bad carpal tunnel until I had my hands done last summer) that one of my daughters bought me an ereader so I didn’t have to hold those really heavy, large-print scriptures, because my eyes are going too! Getting old isn’t for sissies! Anyway, marking the scriptures just isn’t the same when it’s not paper pages. I’m a tactile person and it’s been very ard for me to get used to reading all my books on a reader, instead of a real book. Sorry to ramble. Thanks for sharing, and for caring about your readers!
I grew up with a mother that studied her scriptures daily and still does. I have always had a hard time finding the joy in studying. Several years ago I was given the scariest calling ever, gospel doctrine teacher in a ward with many BYU professors and very knowledgeable members. I was terrified and because of that I studied like it was a job (over 30 hours a week). I read everything I could get my hands on. This helped show me what sources enhanced my studying, but it also was a crutch sometimes. I had to learn to let the spirit guide me and then look for specific things to help me get additional answers. I have since been released from gospel doctrine teacher. That calling helped me find joy in studying the scriptures. I would learn enough to be excited about teaching my lesson. What I find to be the most difficult is finding the time to sit down and study. Once I start, it’s hard to stop. I find 1 1/2 to 2 hours will pass and I’ll have to make myself put it away. I need to learn time management. I find I will not study because I know it will be 2 hrs later before I can get other things done. Several things have helped me with my studying; specific resources and your scripture journals. I love looking back in my journals and reading what I have written. This has been priceless to me. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas and knowledge. It has helped me get excited about learning and sharing what I learn with my family.
Thanks for the poll! I, too, have significantly improved my personal study since finding your site. I may not study very consistently, but when I do I get so much out of it! I especially love the journal for studying the youth curriculum. It has helped me apply the doctrines I’m teaching to my own life.
As for family and spouse study, we’re not doing quite as well. We have two small kids, 2 and 4. Last year our stake challenged us to read 2 pages of the Book of Mormon each day. So we did it as a family. Even when we missed days we would catch up. We liked it so much that we’re now going back through again. We’ve had each kid “help” read a verse by repeating us. We do that every time we read together (morning and night). It helps them learn some of the words and names. Occasionally we stop to explain the story, and we always try to answer questions that our kids ask.
Our couple study at this point is non-existent. We’ve tried reading together in the past, but we never make the time and don’t really know how to mesh our learning styles together. I think that’s our biggest challenge. When we did read, we didn’t discuss it, which I think would have helped us so much. It also doesn’t help that my husband travels a lot, so having a routine is really hard. I would love to have some ideas on ways to study together from you or other couples.
I have found that new pens and scripture marking tools are a major motivator for me to study my scriptures. (I enjoy using new office supplies and am delighted when I find them among my Christmas gifts). I love to mark my scriptures when I can record my thoughts and insights in a meaningful way. I want to look at my scriptures and see what I found important, what questions I had, and what insights I gained from that particular study session. I don’t think I will ever warm up to electronic versions of the scriptures for this reason–My scriptures need to be a reflection of who I am and what I was thinking. Plus, I have had to live without power for a week and I never want to live without my scriptures because “I can”t charge my device.”
I am a high school teacher (and early morning seminary teacher) and I use the critical reading strategies, “writing in the margin” strategies and “marking the text” strategies that I teach my first-generation college-bound kiddos. I love to look at how other people choose to study their scriptures and I try to incorporate at least one thing from their methods. I purchase new scriptures about every two years so that I can start fresh and approach my scriptures in a brand new way. I also glue in many quotes that I write on vellum into my scriptures that I find as I study. I treasure all of my sets of scriptures from the past.
I have improved oh so much since starting my scripture journal almost 18 months ago. I crave my personal study time now and treasure my journal like nothing ever before in my life. Problem is, with five kids I find the only consistent time I spend is on my lunch break at work (three days a week). I take it ever where with me, and squeak in a minute here and there as I wait in offices, or to pick up kids. Because we are so blessed with technology now, I can ponder a verse or two during a music lesson, or any where else i find myself waiting. We struggle as a family to read daily because of the 7 year age gap between our older and younger kids, but make sure I set time aside each week to make an entry into our new family scripture journal. This past week, one of my triplets told me she wanted to go shopping for her own scripture journal now (the big boys have one already). I think its important to know that there are a lot of people who really struggle with the logistics of this and we need to constantly try and do better. When I look back..I can see constant improvement, but there is still a long way to go. I’ve always wished I could say we read everyday, but it is something we have always struggled with.
My husband and I are both teachers. We teach at the school our youngest attends and our older daughter is just across a parking lot. We read he scriptures each morning as we travel to school. I didn’t realize how important it was to my girls until their father was recently released from a calling. Their first comments were, “Now Dad can drive with us to church and we can read he scriptures together on Sunday mornings too”.
Companion study is definitely hardest for me. This is the area where I could use resourses and suggestions the most.
Family scripture study is a lot easier now that we have a 9 yr old and a 12 yr old. For awhile it was difficult; the best thing we did for a couple years was that they would each draw a picture of in the chapter as my husband and I read aloud. We would start with the chapter heading, so that they would have some idea of what was coming up, and then they would color as we read. We have a fabulous picture of Adam, falling from the sky above the garden of Eden, from when we read about the Fall of Adam in 2 Nephi 2. We talked about the real meaning of the fall, and it was a wonderful way to keep the kids engaged while we read. I think it would also work well with a mix of older kids and younger kids, since the older kids could take turns reading with the parents while the younger kids drew.
I have GREAT INTENTIONS of studying, a great DESIRE to study, and great HOPES or the time studying. But then I feel guilty because there are so many things I should be doing….
I’ll leave it at that.
I can’t see the questions.
OMGsh! I had no idea that I was not alone in THIS boat! People around me seem to have it so together and I am beginning to hate facebook, becuz of comparing myself to their “highlight” reels! I have been making a REAL effort to have scripture in the morning with my family, those that are there, since yesterday. And so far I am 2-0! I am super happy about making it these last two days, but I am beyond afraid, that something will derail us again! Thank you so much for sharing! And thank you to everyone for answering the questions honestly! You really helped this mom to know that I am not alone and that there is hope for me and my family!!!!!!!!