“Your Name is Safe in Our Home” Sign- The Red Headed Hostess

This is a quote I absolutely love from the Ensign.

I love what it means – not only for you, but for my home.

What if all of our homes could say this?

This world would be such a great place.

Here is the PDF:  your name is safe in our home



  1. I’m sorry but I don’t understand what this means. Maybe this is common knowledge within the Church? Or maybe I’m just clueless but…could you help me understand? I appreciate your work, Shannon.

  2. Hey Laurie, I always tell my students there is no dumb question. Keeping one’s name safe in our homes means that we won’t gossip or talk badly about someone. In our home we know that we don’t trash talk each other and that we respect everyone. With that said…it’s not always easy. In fact, it’s a work in progress.

    Hope that helps.

  3. This talk is one of my all time favorites. I use it in lessons all the time. I stop my foot like Thumper and say, “If you don’t have sumthin nice to say don’t say nuttin at all!”

  4. Love this. My dad used this as a family theme when we were growing up. Whenever one of us would start to gossip, my dad would say “Your name is safe…” I have a sign in our seminary classroom that says “Your name is safe in our classroom.”

  5. Yes… yes… it is a declarative statement to all who come into my home that their name is safe here. That we will protect you and your good name by honoring you and not saying anything that would harm your character or hurt you. No gossiping, bad-mouthing, etc. Elder Crofford quoted Thumper and said “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”… but Cheree said it more accurately.

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