How can I learn to be more patient?
How can I learn to be more patient?
This lesson REALLY focuses on the necessity of developing patience now, and the gift that patience will be throughout the many phases of life we go through. This package has some really great hand outs too!
You can check out this package on our site HERE.
Here are some great quotes about patience that you may find useful:
“Patience—the ability to put our desires on hold for a time—is a precious and rare virtue. We want what we want, and we want it now. Therefore, the very idea of patience may seem unpleasant and, at times, bitter.
“Nevertheless, without patience, we cannot please God; we cannot become perfect. Indeed, patience is a purifying process that refines understanding, deepens happiness, focuses action, and offers hope for peace.” (President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, April 2010 General Conference)
“Patience is another form of self-control. It is the ability to postpone gratification and to bridle one’s passions…. Patience is composure under stress. A patient man also waits on the Lord. We sometimes read or hear of people who seek a blessing from the Lord, then grow impatient when it does not come swiftly. Part of the divine nature is to trust in the Lord enough to ‘be still and know that [he is] God’ (D&C 101:16).” (President Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, November 1986, p.47)
“Patience is tied very closely to faith in our Heavenly Father. Actually, when we are unduly impatient, we are suggesting that we know what is best – better than does God. Or, at least, we are asserting that our timetable is better than his. Either way we are questioning the reality of God’s omniscience.” (Elder Neal A. Maxwell, Ensign, October 1980, p.28)
“The Lord, Jesus Christ, is our perfect example of patience. Though absolutely unyielding in adherence to the truth, He exemplified patience repeatedly during His mortal ministry. He was patient with His disciples, including the Twelve, despite their lack of faith and their slowness to recognize and understand His divine mission. He was patient with the multitudes as they pressed about Him, with the woman taken in sin, with those who sought His healing power, and with little children. Finally, He remained patient through the suffering of His mock trials and His crucifixion.” (Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, Hope, p. 156)
“There seems to be little evidence that the Creator of the universe was ever in a hurry. Everywhere, on this bounteous and beautiful earth, and the farthest reaches of the firmament, there is evidence of patient purpose and planning and working and waiting.” (Elder Richard L. Evans, CR, October 1952, p.95)
This package is also available in our October combo package with all 5 lessons. You can find it HERE.