Family Tree… Little Boy Version | The Red Headed Hostess
I am so grateful to Allison Kimball and Sam Cousins who both found my family tree!
Thank You!!
And here they are for you!
Here is a sepia version from Allison…
And one with blue hearts from Sam.
Just right click on the image you want above and save it to your computer.
Then make it into a family tree! Â Instructions are here.
Want to start creating your tree? Check out
This is a genealogy organization operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was previously known as the Genealogical Society of Utah and is the largest genealogy organization in the world.
What a wonderful site you’ve created! I’ve been searching for something like this for a long time! I just wanted to share my little contribution to the LDS community. I’m creating lap/quiet books for each month that follow the Sharing Time theme. I’m sharing them at
I hope you will check them out and help me share them with others.
Thank you!!! I loved your idea but I have a boy…Now I can make one too. I also have a sister-in-law who is having her 1st boy next month so I am going to make it for her too. 🙂
These are wonderful! My teenage children have been really excited about exploring our family lines lately. My son spent several hours on FamilySearch Saturday. I am printing one of these up for each of my children.